Many people feel quite embarrassed actually to announce their ailment to a roomful of strangers with inquisitive eyes and ears.
Well, this 75 year old walked into a Doctor's office, and the Receptionist asked him what was the matter with him.
"My d*i*c*k is not working properly," he said.
The waiting room became a little more hushed.
The receptionist said "You should not have said that! You can see how embarassing it is for the other patients sitting here!"
"Well, what should I have said when you asked me what was wrong with me?" asked the man.
"You could have said you had an ear problem or something like that, and then explained later to the Doctor," said the Receptionist.
"Ok. Let me try again," he said.
So he walked out and came back in again. When the Receptionist asked him what was wrong with him, he said he had an ear infection. The Receptionist smiled. She was happy to see she had influenced him.
"And what is actually wrong with your ear?" she asked.
"Well," he said after a little pause," I cant piss out of it!"
If you mess with the seniors.......