You can do my gardening!

I miss the bulbs eg. daffodils,especially fresias because of their scent. I miss the roses too. I've seen people fish at the beach and along the creek (what would you catch in there?).
The point has been made that expats are expats because of the money but it doesn't matter about the money at some point- if the place is a dive to live in-there must be something that attracts people to stay here long term and, really long term. In my experience (being old) Dubai must offer people something different to a lot of other places for people to stay decades. Sometimes I think you guys need to get out more and mingle!!
I like it here-yeah, I b#tch about the traffic-I do at home. I even moaned at the hot weather when we arrived (coming from winter it is understandable-I think I whined about the cold weather before I left!) but overall this place has a lot to offer. I've got great friends, I've met some fantastic people, I enjoy the lifestyle here. I realise it can be expensive but this place caters for all-super beaches where you can go for free!!, great parks to enjoy and for free!! (Safa park isn't the only park and you can roller blade, have a picnic or hit the swings!!), it's kid friendly (your children are safe and I feel safe at night-I wouldn't put the rubbish out at home in the dark!)-it caters for a wide range of people with different interest and a wide range of people with varying incomes.
If weather and traffic are our only gripes Dubai must be pretty good!