What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games

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What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 23, 2010
India makes Dubai look good when it comes to labor. Women and children??? Those participating should boycott on the fact alone that children are working on the project. Family living at one of the sites???

I guess the collapse of the bridge and the weightlifting stadium was a warning. Can only imagine when it is filled with spectators. Oh, wait, its the atheletes that are cause for concern.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... isers.html

Bora Bora
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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 24, 2010
I have to agree, having watched the scenes on the television from New Delhi, then quite by chance this evening this caught my eye .........


yes, its EMAAR !!! hahhahahahahaha

Well given my personal take on the excesses of Dubai and in light of your comment - I had a little laugh to myself


:lol: :lol:
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 24, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:India makes Dubai look good when it comes to labor. Women and children??? Those participating should boycott on the fact alone that children are working on the project. Family living at one of the sites???

I guess the collapse of the bridge and the weightlifting stadium was a warning. Can only imagine when it is filled with spectators. Oh, wait, its the atheletes that are cause for concern.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... isers.html

The guy who's supervising the working kids (in the stadium) seems to be holding a bambo stick in his hand. I hope he's not hitting the kids with it!!!

:roll: :roll:
Tom Jones
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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 24, 2010
viking-warrior wrote:I have to agree, having watched the scenes on the television from New Delhi, then quite by chance this evening this caught my eye .........


yes, its EMAAR !!! hahhahahahahaha

Well given my personal take on the excesses of Dubai and in light of your comment - I had a little laugh to myself


:lol: :lol:

LOOOOL ! that does explain a lot
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 24, 2010
Taskmasters with sticks? Child Labour? Families Living in squalor and Working on the same Construction Site? Catastrophic failure of structures during and post construction phase? In India? :o Nothing new there then?
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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 24, 2010
viking-warrior wrote:I have to agree, having watched the scenes on the television from New Delhi, then quite by chance this evening this caught my eye .........


yes, its EMAAR !!! hahhahahahahaha

Well given my personal take on the excesses of Dubai and in light of your comment - I had a little laugh to myself


:lol: :lol:

Bora Bora
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 24, 2010
Seems to be a case of:
Too many Indians and not enough chiefs.
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 24, 2010
A mini bus full of tourists getting shot at didn't help last week either.
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 25, 2010
good thing it wasnt the olympics!! but i wasnt suprised this would have happened since India is known for its corruption and being cheaP!!!
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 25, 2010
India is now well and truly the butt of all jokes. Just like to clarify Emaar was NOT at fault here. The hasty takeover of the village by the govt. and then opening the village to the media without any checks was the cause of the problem. The games village itself is utterly magnificent. The municipality works surrounding the village was the reason for the subsequent embarrassment. If anything this games village in plan totally surpasses that of China by miles. And now with 1000's of sanitation workers on site they just might execute that plan.
Off-course it's a bit late in the day for that and the damage has already been done. But look at the flip side how much worse can it get?

And thanks to Guernsey and Jersey threatening to pull out of the Games, I now know these countries exist.
Misery Called Life
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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 25, 2010
So MCL to put it in a nutshell ... Emaar would have stage managed it better if they had been driving at the time ?


One of the principle problems that Emaar and other Dubai companies find is that overseas they do not control the press and the column inches printed (let alone the content)

Like the Meadows & Springs I am sure the village is well designed BUT all these projects seem go AWOL when the fantasy has to become reality - try telling the people in the Springs that the road works are the result of good design by the developer (I don't think that they care a jot, whether it is the RTA or Emaar that is at fault) the fact is that all Emaar projects seem to be haunted by infrastructure failings and issues.

Try telling friends of ours whose Meadows house suddenly developed an indoor pool a few years back after a bit of rain :lol: (I am sure you will recall that episode) ...

As for India in general - I cannot really comment as my knowledge is 2nd hand like most peoples and I'd prefer to let those with actual knowledge of the difficulties and problems operating over there comment on that aspect of the story.
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 25, 2010
Fair enough Viking. No arguments there.
Plz ignore my earlier post. I must've been in a mushy mood was tryin to be all fair and honest :? :? :shock: Actually my information was indeed flawed. But I think I've got a better picture of the situation now.

Anyways the games are for 19 days habibi, that's all I care about. I hope the village infrastructure will stand tall for these 19 days. Post that who cares a damn.

Remember for Emaar too there's a lot at stake, with two bedroom apt's starting at over Dhs 1million and the rates just go up from there on. That said this is India and negative publicity really makes no difference. :lol: :lol:

Ok, so lets start with CWG Village, (I'm quoting this from a website, the poster is legitimate),

CWG Village

Get ready for big big disappointment...CWG Village is in bad bad shape...with walkways tiles broken coming off...I myself tripped twice walking on them.....finishing of the towers are of LOWEST GRADE...SHAME ON the constructors. Shame on them.

Landscaping does not even EXISTS there..sorry to say its indeed filthy .....I din't even feel like taking pics of it....I am Ashamed....

There were around 5000 NDMC, MCD and private cleaning staff was present at CWG Village..so things might...MIGHT get better...though I am hopeless

POSITIVES of CWG Village...

A grade facilities, Training venues are magnificent....A BIG THUMBS UP to it....

and Security ..job well done

and now the main thing....FOOD.....its fantastic , very very hygienic , so tasty and very well behaved and trained volunteers...

Proud of it....

Brief: Apartments are pathetic and services/facilities super cool....however prepare yourself for big time embarrassment .....Emmar MGF has let us down...badly

CWG Village( Residential Zone) rating:


Facilities :


some pics posted on Facebook by the sporting contingents from Wales and Canada,

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2 ... 1599479507

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=3 ... 3540695143
Misery Called Life
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 26, 2010
The whole thing is turning into an ebarrassing disaster, they sould just cancel it before someone gets seriously hurt or killed.

They've had SEVEN years to prepare for this!
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 26, 2010
Apparently the Federal Government has stepped in and removed the organising committee in order to get it finished on time...chances of there being any improvement? Probably nil!

Lets all throw mud at the office windows of EMAAR...just for fun!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 27, 2010
Misery Called Life
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 27, 2010
Very embarrassing and scandalous to say the least. Didn't they have 7 years to get things ready for this?
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 28, 2010
I can think of some alternative games they could play in the unfinished facilities:

110m scaffold hurdles: Competitors have to run and jump over 1m high acrow frames.

Long Jump: a run up to attempt to clear a 12m wide foundation pit filled with spiky rusty iron re-bar set in concrete which will eventually be the base of a new stadium.

Javelin: A moving target in the shape of the event planner who is released into a pen and all the players get to throw spears at him.

Hammer Throw: Hammers to be borrowed from the construction workers around the site.

Pole vault: Using scaffold poles from the site, competitors can use them to escape from the team compounds by leaping over the high walls and heading straight for the airport.

100m freestyle swimming race: Using a specially prepared section of sewage flooded players village car park. First to finish wins a tarnished hand made nickel plated plastic medal with a picture of some old geezer with a big long white beard in the middle that they picked up in the Al Kabayl discount store for 50fils. No ribbon.

The EMAAR cup: A competition for all participants for the best athlete to win a slightly wobbly partially finished piece of pottery with no handle...that leaks.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 28, 2010
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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 28, 2010
@ DK.

Brilliant!!! ROFL.
Bora Bora
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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 29, 2010
How about the Deyaar Trophy, no wait there's no one to hand it out they are all "away" ...

or the Istithmar Cup, whoops that's at the pawn shop ...

and the Dynasty Zarooni Trophy, well there is a dent on the table for it but its just not ready yet :) ...

and then there is the Al Fajer Trophy (AKA the Hasher Cup, who claims it was his all along even though the other dude paid for it) ...

this can run and run or get killed off [in the chase for the Essa Trophy (much dented and abused)]

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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 29, 2010
How about the Al Boom Cup?

It's made very tall and narrow,

so that Obaid Al Boom can still carry it with handcuffs on and slide it between the bars of his cell!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 29, 2010
And just when you thought it couldn't get any better Monkey Guards Deployed

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/ ... 5931685047
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 30, 2010
And what will they employ next when those monkeys go rogue I wonder?

The whole thing is a complete mess up. Oh well.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 30, 2010
They really should've gotten started much earlier... instead of scrambling at the last minute and doing a shoddy job!
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Re: What A Disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 30, 2010
rtilani wrote:They really should've gotten started much earlier... instead of scrambling at the last minute and doing a shoddy job!

You think? Nooooo! Really?
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 30, 2010
Getting the langur's to ward off rogue monkeys is pure genius. But it's not something new. It's always a sight to see the Macaques run terrorized at the very sighting of a langur. You see Parliment House and many other major structures in Delhi have long being troubled by rogue monkeys. They could just ward them off but it's a religious thing so they're allowed to hang about. For some reason North Indians are particularly fond of them, and presumably out of religious fervor feed them, thereby allowing the menace to prevail. But it's a diff story down south. Religious fervor or not, no-one goes outta their way to pamper these monkeys. Infact down in Goa it's even better, monkeys make fantastic targets and on a good day should the monkeys descend from their abode and try and get a little friendly, shooting em is always fun. Partly cos their smart so they're capable of comprehending that a gun means death, hitting them is all the more harder. But they're a menace, no doubt bout that especially if you have fruit trees in ur backyard. But it's fine. People are used to em, just like they're used to cobras, pythons, scorpions and not so long ago leopards. :D :D

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/200 ... 277874.htm

http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-ne ... east-delhi
Misery Called Life
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Re: What a disgrace!!! - Re Commonwealth Games Sep 30, 2010
Interesting to note that the Indian Parliament House is overrun with monkeys...

Are they elected?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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