my cousin taught me how to play poker. its fun and in my opinion ultimately is a game of learning about people, not about gambling. either way, since I'm no longer a party animal, I got with me a set to play with friends in the weekends, so when they wanted to take it away I refused. to make it short, it almost became a police case

on the way back home was reading a book about men and women. not the usual boring stuff, but one with a very interesting approach on where we fail in our lives and towards each other. that office was filled with men and women kissing asses, shitting their pants because of their bosses or acting accomplished and all mighty because they crawled up a bit in the hierarchy. I was upset over the poker set, but they made me feel sorry for them as one after the other was testifying of the accuracy of the book. so sad.
one of my friends back home said I cooled down compared to how I was before. I guess she is right. these 3 weeks, were the most complex vacation I ever had and probably the best one also. feel like I came back 10 years smarter