a small difference meantime is better than nothing ever. Hopeully 'bigger picture' sorts something out. I fully support the small help that can be given for the less fortunate until that happens.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Razmattaz wrote:Speedhump wrote:Your view is skewed. You should not care what they think of you, the point is not to get their thanks. If you were of Christian religion or background that would be very obvious to you. Also, again, what does it matter if you can't give enough to eradicate the problems. As I said, that's for world powers to tackle on an entirely greater level. Your aid packages meantime go some way to alleviating suffering. Do you mean you are happy just to let the underdeveloped world die or wallow in filth? I can't understand you. The same applies to helping the labourers here in some smaller way.
Religion has nothing to do with this. This is about culture which an outsider will never understand. It is sad to see poverty so rampant. Why does it exist? Are there no wealthy Indians, Pakistani's etc? Why the inequality?
I am unbiased. I just feel that the very giving ways of the west are being exploited by Asians and others.
Everyone loves to go to democratic America, work, make money,sleep with white women etc Yet they come back home, they side with fundamentalists, favour protectionism etc. You get what I'm saying
How else can you explain Indian's in England booing the English cricket team at the 20-20 world cup? Pakistani's booing UK troops upon arrival in Britain? White women in Indian movies are always bikini clad and potrayed as loose in morals. China has successfully copied Hong Kong's model all over the mainland, but not in a thousand years will China acknowledge Britains administration.
By all means go help labourers in camps. That is a micro perspective I was looking at the bigger picture. Unfortunately we are just small fry who cannot influence the bigger picture.
desertdudeshj wrote:This thread has gone to the dogs as with almost all over here and turned into petty bickering. Some people really can't help them selves from being turds.
Mods please delete or lock this. It was meant to spread awareness for a cause but now no one is benefiting out of this.