puppypup wrote:Chocoholic wrote:No, but you cannot class as all these people are 'European'! They are not bog standard caucasian brunettes! They have some thing exotic in them, be it asian or otherwise.
That is a very racist remark. There are Caucasian "standards?" Anyone who doesn't fit those standards even if it's obvious those women in the non-Asian section above (including Eartha Kitt) are of European descent are automatically kicked out of CaucasianLand.
So if an Asian looks a bit exotic because, does that mean that person is no longer Asian? or is racial purity only exclusive to whites?
Sorry Chocs but I find your statement very supremist, exclusive, and pro-white purity to the core to anyone who doesn't fit your "standards"
Can I correct you. 'bog standard' only means a basic typical, it absolutely doesn't mean 'up to a certain standard', in fact almost the opposite. There was nothing at all racist in that post. Whatsoever!

You goons are jumping all over Chocoholic without even understanding the post (although I have a sneaking feeling that some of you did but just fancied a bit of bashing).
On this occasion Chocs is blameless.....