Video Clip On Arabia Music Ch -Man Driving A White VW Beetle

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Video Clip on Arabia Music Ch -Man driving a white VW Beetle Feb 28, 2006

I'm just back from Dubai. What a great experience ! Hope to be back soon.

There was this one arabian video clip on the arabian music channel playing every hour. There's this guy driving with his girl in his white volkswagen beetle, quite a romantic song, of cause with a lot of
"habibi" in there

Unfortunately, the artist and songname were in Arabic and my discription was not enough information to get the CD in the Virgin Store.

Does anyone know what song I'm talking about ?

Many thanks


p.s. Sorry for cross posting also in, but I hoped that maybe more people see this post in the general session, and I'm seeking an answer before this clip is gone from the daily list of songs of this channel ;) Thanks !

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