Very Close Call. Be Careful Out There Guys

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Very close call. Be careful out there guys May 10, 2009
Kristy and I drove to Oman this weekend to renew her visa. She drove; I relaxed in the passenger seat. On the way there we saw an incredible accident. There was a cloud of sand on the opposite side of the road. Suddenly, a Land Cruiser flew over the concrete wall and into our lane. It rolled about 6 times toward us. As it rolled a man in a dish dash was thrown through one of the windows. He flew through the air and then rolled along the ground. He had been ejected from the car and narrowly missed being crushed. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. I felt completely calm as it was happening. I never felt like we were in any danger until I noticed parts of the car flying towards us. A huge spring from the suspension barely missed us. Kristy was frozen, stopped in the middle of the road. I told her to move to the side. I realized that the situation was still dangerous so I told her to be careful and stay aware. I got out, she stayed in the car. I went to the guy in the dish dash who was writhing in pain on the pavement. His ass was showing, he wasn’t wearing underwear. He managed to get up and walk to the side of the road where he laid down again. I’m not sure how badly he was hurt but he stayed conscious the whole time. I think he only had a few bumps and maybe a few broken bones. I looked into the car which was lying upside down. The Arab music was still blasting and the windshield wipers were going. CDs and other items from the car were scattered on the ground. The airbags were out. Nobody else was in the car. Then I saw that there was another passenger who had also been ejected. A man was holding him but he was unconscious. I went over and told the guy to put him down and not to move him. The injured guy was a younger man, maybe 20 years old. He was lying face down in an unnatural position on the windshield of the car which was about 40 feet from the car itself. His eyes were rolled back in his head and he was convulsing periodically as he fought for life. There was a small amount of blood in his mouth and a bone was sticking out of his ankle. The convulsions slowed and finally stopped. He was dead. I don’t know CPR and I didn’t know if I should move him or not. There wasn’t anything anyone could do for him. An ambulance came and they moved him onto a stretcher and took him away. I noticed a 1 dirham coin and a cell phone belonging to the dead man on the pavement. I thought about taking the coin as a reminder of how lucky I am but I didn’t want the curse. I left it. We continued our drive without speaking for the better part of an hour. Both of us were shaken. If we had been driving 5 km/hour faster, we probably would have been hit by the Land Cruiser and killed. I have never seen someone die before. I feel bad for the guy. He was hanging out with his friend, jamming to some music, and 5 seconds later he is dying on the pavement.

Be careful out there everyone. Be thankful for all you have. Pray for those who aren’t so lucky.

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May 10, 2009
Incredibe event. Well written as I feel like I was there.

1. Glad you and Kristy were unharmed.
2. Seat-Belts save lives -- USE THEM
3. RIP to the unfortunate.
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May 10, 2009
you are lucky.
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May 10, 2009
Sad to hear mate, never an easy thing to experience. I think it was good you didn't touch him though, don't they say the last to touch the deceased that isn't a LEO can be charged with the blood money payment?
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May 10, 2009
Max -
That was a really moving tale. I'm so glad that you and partner were ok. I have seen a few nasty crashes here and I'm constantly reminding all my clients about wearing their damn seatbelts. I'm lucky. My driving behaviour was shaped over 25yrs ago in UK, where it was law. Listening to some of the many pathetic excuses why people don't were seatbelts here, just makes me roll my eyes skywards.
The driving standard here in not good [cue: heated debates !], but just common sense should tell y'all that all it takes is a split second - lose concentration, blowout, change Cd/ cigarette [or gawd forbid, on the damn phone] etcetc - and your car is out of control.

Take care, girlz 'n' guyz.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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May 10, 2009
Wow, what a story.

Condolences to the family of the guy that was killed, but I also hope you are ok from it all. Heavy stuff to deal with.

Seatbelts, seatbelts, seatbelts is all I can say. Big heavy strong car like a cruiser will protect you well and a roll over is unlikely to kill you if you are strapped to the car (unless you hit anything of course). I know we all drive fast in this country and it seems like you are invincible sometimes but stories like this remind us all that one slip up can cost you your life.
Captain Australia
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May 10, 2009
Well the Dubai heat is blinding, and long hours can give you a headache.

I'd recommend one to invest is good pair of aviators, and see the difference.
Misery Called Life
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May 10, 2009
man thats pretty funny :lol:
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May 10, 2009
It is shocking!!! At the same time U R SO LUCKY!!!! Touch wood...

Beware of speed my frenz.
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Re: Very close call. Be careful out there guys May 10, 2009
maximusprime wrote:Kristy and I drove to Oman this weekend to renew her visa. She drove; I relaxed in the passenger seat. On the way there we saw an incredible accident. There was a cloud of sand on the opposite side of the road. Suddenly, a Land Cruiser flew over the concrete wall and into our lane. It rolled about 6 times toward us. As it rolled a man in a dish dash was thrown through one of the windows. He flew through the air and then rolled along the ground. He had been ejected from the car and narrowly missed being crushed. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. I felt completely calm as it was happening. I never felt like we were in any danger until I noticed parts of the car flying towards us. A huge spring from the suspension barely missed us. Kristy was frozen, stopped in the middle of the road. I told her to move to the side. I realized that the situation was still dangerous so I told her to be careful and stay aware. I got out, she stayed in the car. I went to the guy in the dish dash who was writhing in pain on the pavement. His a#s was showing, he wasn’t wearing underwear. He managed to get up and walk to the side of the road where he laid down again. I’m not sure how badly he was hurt but he stayed conscious the whole time. I think he only had a few bumps and maybe a few broken bones. I looked into the car which was lying upside down. The Arab music was still blasting and the windshield wipers were going. CDs and other items from the car were scattered on the ground. The airbags were out. Nobody else was in the car. Then I saw that there was another passenger who had also been ejected. A man was holding him but he was unconscious. I went over and told the guy to put him down and not to move him. The injured guy was a younger man, maybe 20 years old. He was lying face down in an unnatural position on the windshield of the car which was about 40 feet from the car itself. His eyes were rolled back in his head and he was convulsing periodically as he fought for life. There was a small amount of blood in his mouth and a bone was sticking out of his ankle. The convulsions slowed and finally stopped. He was dead. I don’t know CPR and I didn’t know if I should move him or not. There wasn’t anything anyone could do for him. An ambulance came and they moved him onto a stretcher and took him away. I noticed a 1 dirham coin and a cell phone belonging to the dead man on the pavement. I thought about taking the coin as a reminder of how lucky I am but I didn’t want the curse. I left it. We continued our drive without speaking for the better part of an hour. Both of us were shaken. If we had been driving 5 km/hour faster, we probably would have been hit by the Land Cruiser and killed. I have never seen someone die before. I feel bad for the guy. He was hanging out with his friend, jamming to some music, and 5 seconds later he is dying on the pavement.

Be careful out there everyone. Be thankful for all you have. Pray for those who aren’t so lucky.

Must be hard on Kristy and you. Time will heal, and Rahamahou Allah.
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May 10, 2009
Thanks all, It was a very intense experience, I only wish the best for the family of the deceased.
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May 10, 2009
t1ggeruae wrote:Max -

The driving standard here in not good [cue: heated debates !]

I'm sorry, are you saying that there are people in Dubai that would argue the standard of driving here is good?!

I may need to go lay down.
Dr Strangeglove
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May 10, 2009
Well thank God!!.. you both 're un-harmed!...
no one know's what's coming Next So Must be Carefull!......
Dubai Expat Helper
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May 10, 2009
Such a wonderful blessing god has protected you from harm...
Its a reminder to put on your seat belts and be a safe driver always.
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May 11, 2009
its their fault why they suffered that fate...lucky for you guys that they did not hit you...simple stupidity causes death and that what happened to them...
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May 11, 2009
Sorry to hear that max, while not as bad as yours I once witnessed a crash right in front of me on the M1 in the UK once. Was able to stop in time, alert the cars behind and while the crash itself was quite bad visually, thankfully most people just suffered shock and bruising.

However for months after my confidence driving totally went, all the time thinking "what if I was 2 mins earlier, 5mph faster?" I would drive incredibly slow and have panic attacks on the road when in reality there was nothing to fear.

I hope this doesn't happen to you or your partner, it's logical for you both to be affected but talk it over rationally with each other and try to let it put you off. With myself the old adage - time is a healer - certainly rings true and would say while I've lost the panicing, I am actually a little wiser for the event now too. Take care.

As for the victims, any waste of a life is a horrible thing but from the signs you indicate in your post, the driver has only himself to blame. Certainly don't want to revel in it, but the reality is, it's one less flashing, speeding, tail gating Land Cruiser on the roads that is putting my life in danger.
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May 11, 2009
U are very lucky maximus. On March this yearI lost my little sister in an accident. It was her last university informal class and her friend was driving. The roads in RAK are most dangerous in UAE as there are u -turns in 120+ kph roads. One guy U-turned and to save him they swerved and went to right lane and hit the car in behind then hit the tree at very high speed. My sister always wore seat beat but this time she didnt and she was thrown out and was still alive.

I rushed to hospital she was in shock murmuring what happened to me and I asked docs they told me she has injury on her head and damage to liver. The docs were lackadaisacal f*** i have seen in life easy and carefree. It took 4 clueless docs and lots of blood to try stop bleeding. They opened her stomach which is most difficult and she passed away.

It's been more than a month still case is going on and still the tree stands. The next day there was an accident in same place. I cant believe authorities aint taking measures to close those misplaced u-turns at the same time the docs are most incompetent f** I have seen.

I will post a petition soon please guys vote to close the u-turns all petitions will be forwarded to Ministry of transportation.
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May 11, 2009
precious_life wrote:U are very lucky maximus. On March this yearI lost my little sister in an accident. It was her last university informal class and her friend was driving. The roads in RAK are most dangerous in UAE as there are u -turns in 120+ kph roads. One guy U-turned and to save him they swerved and went to right lane and hit the car in behind then hit the tree at very high speed. My sister always wore seat beat but this time she didnt and she was thrown out and was still alive.

I rushed to hospital she was in shock murmuring what happened to me and I asked docs they told me she has injury on her head and damage to liver. The docs were lackadaisacal f*** i have seen in life easy and carefree. It took 4 clueless docs and lots of blood to try stop bleeding. They opened her stomach which is most difficult and she passed away.

It's been more than a month still case is going on and still the tree stands. The next day there was an accident in same place. I cant believe authorities aint taking measures to close those misplaced u-turns at the same time the docs are most incompetent f** I have seen.

I will post a petition soon please guys vote to close the u-turns all petitions will be forwarded to Ministry of transportation.

My condolences to you. Unbelievable incompetent U-holes
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May 11, 2009
precious_life wrote:U are very lucky maximus. On March this yearI lost my little sister in an accident. It was her last university informal class and her friend was driving. The roads in RAK are most dangerous in UAE as there are u -turns in 120+ kph roads. One guy U-turned and to save him they swerved and went to right lane and hit the car in behind then hit the tree at very high speed. My sister always wore seat beat but this time she didnt and she was thrown out and was still alive.

I rushed to hospital she was in shock murmuring what happened to me and I asked docs they told me she has injury on her head and damage to liver. The docs were lackadaisacal f*** i have seen in life easy and carefree. It took 4 clueless docs and lots of blood to try stop bleeding. They opened her stomach which is most difficult and she passed away.

It's been more than a month still case is going on and still the tree stands. The next day there was an accident in same place. I cant believe authorities aint taking measures to close those misplaced u-turns at the same time the docs are most incompetent f** I have seen.

I will post a petition soon please guys vote to close the u-turns all petitions will be forwarded to Ministry of transportation.

My God, that is terrible. My deepest sympathies are with you and your family. I have dealt with Hospitals here and there are the absolute worst I have ever seen. A guy I work with had a stroke and didn't come to work for two days. We finally found him in a coma at his apartment. The hospital almost turned him away because his insurance card was back at the apartment. I cant imagine how angry you must be. The road designers here could use a good foot in the ass too. I will gladly sign your petition.
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May 11, 2009
precious_life wrote:U are very lucky maximus. On March this yearI lost my little sister in an accident. It was her last university informal class and her friend was driving. The roads in RAK are most dangerous in UAE as there are u -turns in 120+ kph roads. One guy U-turned and to save him they swerved and went to right lane and hit the car in behind then hit the tree at very high speed. My sister always wore seat beat but this time she didnt and she was thrown out and was still alive.

I rushed to hospital she was in shock murmuring what happened to me and I asked docs they told me she has injury on her head and damage to liver. The docs were lackadaisacal f*** i have seen in life easy and carefree. It took 4 clueless docs and lots of blood to try stop bleeding. They opened her stomach which is most difficult and she passed away.

It's been more than a month still case is going on and still the tree stands. The next day there was an accident in same place. I cant believe authorities aint taking measures to close those misplaced u-turns at the same time the docs are most incompetent f** I have seen.

I will post a petition soon please guys vote to close the u-turns all petitions will be forwarded to Ministry of transportation.

I can't figure which is worse, ill planned roadways or clueless docs?
Didn't the hospital have a reliable emergency service crew? By the way which hospital you talking about?
Misery Called Life
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May 11, 2009
What a terrifying experience for everyone involved. Such sad, sad news :(
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 13, 2009
every one has certain distinct markers that signify clear turning points in their lives. situations cause us to evolve and adapt. I hope this experience causes positive changes in your lives... other than that c'est la vie.....
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Re: Very close call. Be careful out there guys May 13, 2009
maximusprime wrote:Kristy and I drove to Oman this weekend to renew her visa. She drove; I relaxed in the passenger seat. On the way there we saw an incredible accident. There was a cloud of sand on the opposite side of the road. Suddenly, a Land Cruiser flew over the concrete wall and into our lane. It rolled about 6 times toward us. As it rolled a man in a dish dash was thrown through one of the windows. He flew through the air and then rolled along the ground. He had been ejected from the car and narrowly missed being crushed. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. I felt completely calm as it was happening. I never felt like we were in any danger until I noticed parts of the car flying towards us. A huge spring from the suspension barely missed us. Kristy was frozen, stopped in the middle of the road. I told her to move to the side. I realized that the situation was still dangerous so I told her to be careful and stay aware. I got out, she stayed in the car. I went to the guy in the dish dash who was writhing in pain on the pavement. His a#s was showing, he wasn’t wearing underwear. He managed to get up and walk to the side of the road where he laid down again. I’m not sure how badly he was hurt but he stayed conscious the whole time. I think he only had a few bumps and maybe a few broken bones. I looked into the car which was lying upside down. The Arab music was still blasting and the windshield wipers were going. CDs and other items from the car were scattered on the ground. The airbags were out. Nobody else was in the car. Then I saw that there was another passenger who had also been ejected. A man was holding him but he was unconscious. I went over and told the guy to put him down and not to move him. The injured guy was a younger man, maybe 20 years old. He was lying face down in an unnatural position on the windshield of the car which was about 40 feet from the car itself. His eyes were rolled back in his head and he was convulsing periodically as he fought for life. There was a small amount of blood in his mouth and a bone was sticking out of his ankle. The convulsions slowed and finally stopped. He was dead. I don’t know CPR and I didn’t know if I should move him or not. There wasn’t anything anyone could do for him. An ambulance came and they moved him onto a stretcher and took him away. I noticed a 1 dirham coin and a cell phone belonging to the dead man on the pavement. I thought about taking the coin as a reminder of how lucky I am but I didn’t want the curse. I left it. We continued our drive without speaking for the better part of an hour. Both of us were shaken. If we had been driving 5 km/hour faster, we probably would have been hit by the Land Cruiser and killed. I have never seen someone die before. I feel bad for the guy. He was hanging out with his friend, jamming to some music, and 5 seconds later he is dying on the pavement.

Be careful out there everyone. Be thankful for all you have. Pray for those who aren’t so lucky.

I'm glad you guys were OK. Its always traumatic to witness something like this. Being in construction management I've seen a couple of fatal accidents. I had to go through therapy after one of these accidents.
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May 13, 2009
precious_life wrote:U are very lucky maximus. On March this yearI lost my little sister in an accident. It was her last university informal class and her friend was driving. The roads in RAK are most dangerous in UAE as there are u -turns in 120+ kph roads. One guy U-turned and to save him they swerved and went to right lane and hit the car in behind then hit the tree at very high speed. My sister always wore seat beat but this time she didnt and she was thrown out and was still alive.

I rushed to hospital she was in shock murmuring what happened to me and I asked docs they told me she has injury on her head and damage to liver. The docs were lackadaisacal f*** i have seen in life easy and carefree. It took 4 clueless docs and lots of blood to try stop bleeding. They opened her stomach which is most difficult and she passed away.

It's been more than a month still case is going on and still the tree stands. The next day there was an accident in same place. I cant believe authorities aint taking measures to close those misplaced u-turns at the same time the docs are most incompetent f** I have seen.

I will post a petition soon please guys vote to close the u-turns all petitions will be forwarded to Ministry of transportation.

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. :( It is really great that you are doing something to stop any other people from having similar accidents. Your sister would be proud of you!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 13, 2009
syndicated_mind wrote:its their fault why they suffered that fate...lucky for you guys that they did not hit you...simple stupidity causes death and that what happened to them...

You wasnt there,you dont know what really happend , don't judge.
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May 13, 2009
ArchitectRoel wrote:
syndicated_mind wrote:its their fault why they suffered that fate...lucky for you guys that they did not hit you...simple stupidity causes death and that what happened to them...

You wasnt there,you dont know what really happend , don't judge.

Of course, someone got up that morning and thought "Hey, a good day for an accident".

Things happen: heart attacks, sun blinding, passing out, seizures, car or brake failure, and yes, careless and reckless drivers. Don't assume it is always based on stupidity.
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May 16, 2009
Luck of the draw - if your number is up, it's up. It wasn't your day to die. Nothing you can do to avoid totally freakish accidents.
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May 17, 2009
kanelli wrote:
precious_life wrote:U are very lucky maximus. On March this yearI lost my little sister in an accident. It was her last university informal class and her friend was driving. The roads in RAK are most dangerous in UAE as there are u -turns in 120+ kph roads. One guy U-turned and to save him they swerved and went to right lane and hit the car in behind then hit the tree at very high speed. My sister always wore seat beat but this time she didnt and she was thrown out and was still alive.

I rushed to hospital she was in shock murmuring what happened to me and I asked docs they told me she has injury on her head and damage to liver. The docs were lackadaisacal f*** i have seen in life easy and carefree. It took 4 clueless docs and lots of blood to try stop bleeding. They opened her stomach which is most difficult and she passed away.

It's been more than a month still case is going on and still the tree stands. The next day there was an accident in same place. I cant believe authorities aint taking measures to close those misplaced u-turns at the same time the docs are most incompetent f** I have seen.

I will post a petition soon please guys vote to close the u-turns all petitions will be forwarded to Ministry of transportation.

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. :( It is really great that you are doing something to stop any other people from having similar accidents. Your sister would be proud of you!

Well the pain we and my family suffered is just tip of the ice berg. We found out they had taken out her organs without our permission. I was furious, my family had to bury her here just to reduce the pain. I will soon put the site and petition up....
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