The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been purchasing advanced weaponry from leading suppliers of military hardware at an alarming rate, fuelling what some believe could be a new conventional arms race in the Middle East.
By 2008 UAE had become the third-largest importer of arms, behind China and India.
The whole of UAE wouldn't be as big as some cities in India and China. Thats a lot of arms per capita population. Don't you all wish you were locals?
Something Real Funny
Mutar Jumaa, an Emirati who published several studies on the demography of Gulf Arab countries while working at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), believes the UAE suffers from a serious demographic crisis.
"I can say the UAE and the Gulf are in [an] unpleasant situation, and I totally agree with the need for effective security forces backed by [a] powerful army.
"The fact that our citizens are way outnumbered by foreign working bachelors is something disturbing. We had some unrest last year, disgruntled migrant workers attacked people and used violence to get what they wanted. Some South Asian countries even started to ask us to grant citizenship to their workers in our country."
Imagine a cop landing in an F-16 to give you a parking ticket ... 99537.html ... 39530.html ... -arms.html