What are expatriates searching for in UAE? What they search on the Internet about UAE?
Those who want to travel as a tourism or travel for a job or even moving to UAE to live, search and research about UAE.
But what are they really searching for? Do they search for UAE Culture, Heritage, History? Or do they search for UAE real estate, UAE company formation, UAE business setup, etc?
Well, you can not answer this question easily because you do not know anything about it!
I know because Ali Al Saloom is pushing me to draw much more traffic to his website (http://www.ask-ali.com) and he is targeting UAE Heritage, Culture and History!
But I am really dieing! I am upset and hopeless!
My reasearches are showing something interesting about what people are really searching for about UAE specially in search engines and I do not know how to tell Ali that hey guy, you have to change your keywords!
I really need help...