I based these figures on
http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=285Which I agree are surprisingly higher than the jobs that you quoted, but on the basis that the figures are generated by the Office of National Stats that uses the figures from HMRC.
I do agree that the buiding trade is "awash" with former eastern European labour, but the rates that they get are still priced by skill provided rather than the minimum rate. I find it amusing that they are going back home now because the exchange rate now means that they get paid more in Poland than in England

My back of a fag packet calculation to work out how much the take home is based on
http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/rates/it.htm£ 0 - £ 6,475 (personal allowance) = 0%
£ 2,440 = 10%
£ 8,915 - £ 37,400 = 20%
£ 37,400 - £ 150,000 = 40%
which means that on a national average salary of £ 25,428 the employee pays a total of £3,546 in tax and £ 1,816 in NI giving a corrected monthly of £ 1,672
(yes I did break out Excel to test this

You are correct in saying that my intial quote was wrong (but not by much) but as a measure of what a building site brick layer gets here in the UK vs what a guy working on a tower block in Dubai gets its a dribble in the ocean, AED 1,500 p.m. vs, AED 9,413 (after tax)(at todays rate 5.63)
The AED 1,500 is based on what my Nakheel employed gardener (with 12 years experience on UAE building sites) was paid per month, and I know for a fact that today he gets less than AED 1,200 p.m. (hence the gardening!)
Hope your feeling ok and coping ... all the best