Transitioning - From Book To Kindle

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Transitioning - from book to Kindle Apr 01, 2012
I always liked the feel of a book in the hand when reading and thought I would have trouble going from book in hand to Kindle in hand. It took me about 4 minutes to get over it!!! A tap of the thumb and you are on the next page. Prop it up and read in any position. Toss it in the handbag in case you find yourself with some waiting or down time (having the hair/mani and pedi being done).

Came is really handy while I was on my sabbatical. :D

Bora Bora
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 01, 2012
I wondered though, does it not mean your eyes get strained alot more? Because of the electronic screens?
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 01, 2012
Chocoholic ,

Not at all. You can adjust the brightness and the size/style of the typeface. You probably hold a book closer than you would a kindle.
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 01, 2012
I think shaf is also a big kindle fan
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 01, 2012
desertdudeshj ,

I remember when he purchased it some time back. It is really worth the money. Books are nice on bookshelves, but they are dust collectors.

I still have quite a few hard books which I will eventually get around to reading, then I donate them to charities. Mr BB on the other hand, has cupboards filled with books, some that go back many years. What gets me is that he never really reads a book, he picks through it. I had ordered a Kindle from the states about 6 months ago and someone was supposed to bring it. Stopped waiting for it and bought one when i saw they were being sold at Virgin Stores in Dubai. The one I ordered arrived yesterday, so Mr BB will be getting that one.
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Re: Transitioning - from book to Kindle Apr 02, 2012
The irony is that I am replying from an iPad.

The kindle kis great for reading books and I do indeed swear by it .. It is a godsend when travelling and as easy to read on the eyes as paper.

Colour PDFs are more gorgeous on an iPad or Laptop, but I will still be using the trusty kindle.


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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 02, 2012
shafique ,

I like the fact it is easy to carry around. :D I really don't need a bigger handbag!!!!
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 02, 2012
I am still holding out...nothing like 'real' books! For me anyways.
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 02, 2012
Ambassador ,

That's what I said, long before I got my Kindle. The only "real books" I'll be holding in the future will be those I have already bought and haven't read yet. After that, I'll be a dedicated Kindle user.
Bora Bora
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 02, 2012
Good to know. I'll try it out. Btw, I've a new photo in my thread lol
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 03, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:Ambassador ,

That's what I said, long before I got my Kindle. The only "real books" I'll be holding in the future will be those I have already bought and haven't read yet. After that, I'll be a dedicated Kindle user.

Not for me. I looked at 'samples' on my Ipad and also downloaded 'Count of Montechristo' (free - Liked the book when read it in school). But did not get 'hooked' on it (or kindle).

I still own practically every book I ever read! Love just looking at the bookshelves and remembering each book (the gist of it) - and they are scattered about in a few places (where I live from time to time). Often my only luggage is books - heavy buggers!
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Re: Transitioning - From Book To Kindle Apr 03, 2012
I love good old paper books :)
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