UAE shall make a website where it will be a map of UAE (like google maps) and people could make profiles on that site and pin their starting and finishing locations anywhere in the UAE. Also they will put hours of starting from each point towards another.
So then anyone will be able to search pin points near their departure and arrival points and filter hours and when find a suitable match it will be able to make contact via private message in order to share transportation and expenses.
Some people could arrange that one day drives one person with his/her car, and another day another person. So that way cars could be reduced on the streets.
Parents who take children to school could arrange with neighbours who take their children to the same school and so to reduce traffic. They could arrange days and directions. Maybe one parent takes everyone to school in the morning and another brings them back. Or one parent takes one day all children and another parent the next day etc.
Some people might share the same start points and not have the same arrival points but it could be possible that another one passes by their workplace and could just leave them and pick them up conveniently. So they could arrange expenses.
I think that it is very important that all people have agreements set by the government and signed and expenses shall be shared as set by the government and not by each individual. As some people are masters at using others.
True story is that there were few students and they went to the same Uni, but they live in different areas, maybe just a few km apart. Two of them asked the third one if he could take them with him and they would share petrol 50/50.But then they started to tell the driver to stop here and there, to wait, to take them each in front of their building entrance and use him as their personal driver.Until one 'evil' aunt got to know about that and cut it in the roots. LOLSome people have no shame or limits in using others. Everyone has to protect themselves from being misused and the government shall regulate things in order for all people to benefit and be happy.
And there could be regular monthly options or daily options in case somebody wants to go only one day in the same direction. Like when there is some event people could pair and go together and so to reduce traffic.
Or if somebody wants simply to go offroad but wants to share expenses and fun, might post the starting point and arrival point, date, hours... and some people would just join and it would be good for all. Especially to those that do not have their own car.
Imagine random people becoming friends by simply sharing transportation and the same interests, like fishing, camping, barbecue, luna parks, swimming...and all that good for all as shared expenses would allow more people to visit more places and cars on roads would be reduced in half (hopefully).
Ok there it is my idea. If somebody has to add something feel free and forward to relevant authorities. It might work one day and the entire UAE population would be happier, more friendly and more outgoing.
I just want to add that AI shall be used to give recommendations for locations and possible matches