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H.A.P.P.Y. Feb 14, 2012
It's been all doom and gloom on DF of late!

Does anybody have anything to share that made them smile recently?

One of my friends had her 50th birthday at work yesterday and another friend gave her a cheeky card, it really made me smile. I'll share it but look away now if you're easily offended.
There was a cartoon couple, naked on the bed, and they were making love :D
There was a thought balloon coming out of his head that said 'should I tell Suzie to trim her bush?' and a thought balloon coming out of her head that said 'should I tell Michael he has his d**k in my slipper?'
Someone posted on my Facebook yesterday that I hadn't changed a bit. Seeing as he emigrated to Aus 20 years ago, that made me well happy!

I'm not sure if Beth will be smiling when she gets up. I've sent her a secret Valentine for the last 10 years but decided to break the habit this year. She would be gutted if she ever found out they were from me! But last night she was wondering if she would get another one, I wished I'd sent one now :cry:

Come on! Share what's made you smile today!

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Re: H.A.P.P.Y. Feb 14, 2012
Posted a new photo in my thread. I hope that helps.
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Re: H.A.P.P.Y. Feb 14, 2012
I picked up Tina Fey's book "Bossypants". I stopped to have lunch in an open cafe and thought I would take a small read. I sat there smothering my laughter and tears coming out of my eyes - it is so damn funny!!! and that was about 7 pages in.

Highly recommend you get it BM. Sharp humor, just the way you like it.

Happy Valentines Day!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: H.A.P.P.Y. Feb 14, 2012
Bora Bora , I've just been on to Amazon and ordered it Bora, thanks for the recommendation.

And Happy Valentines Day to you too xoxo
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Re: H.A.P.P.Y. Feb 14, 2012
It'll take a lot of effort to make me smile these days BM. Part of my 'new look'.
Look sombre be frivolous! 8)
No, actually since I stopped going to the Politics and Religious section of DF, I feel I may start smiling again soon!
In fact I feel a smile coming on now.

Well, I am only 75% serious there! :D

Wait! Make that 55%! :mrgreen:
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Re: H.A.P.P.Y. Feb 15, 2012

beerbulance.jpg (41.77 KiB) Viewed 977 times

police.jpg (99.5 KiB) Viewed 977 times
Flying Dutchman
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Re: H.A.P.P.Y. Feb 16, 2012
Charlie bit my finger! 420million hits on youtube.

It always makes me smile :D

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Re: H.A.P.P.Y. Feb 16, 2012
Saw a sign on a Van here in Accra; "Pineapple Flavoured Beer" anyone tasted this?
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