Does anybody have anything to share that made them smile recently?
One of my friends had her 50th birthday at work yesterday and another friend gave her a cheeky card, it really made me smile. I'll share it but look away now if you're easily offended.
There was a cartoon couple, naked on the bed, and they were making love

There was a thought balloon coming out of his head that said 'should I tell Suzie to trim her bush?' and a thought balloon coming out of her head that said 'should I tell Michael he has his d**k in my slipper?'
Someone posted on my Facebook yesterday that I hadn't changed a bit. Seeing as he emigrated to Aus 20 years ago, that made me well happy!
I'm not sure if Beth will be smiling when she gets up. I've sent her a secret Valentine for the last 10 years but decided to break the habit this year. She would be gutted if she ever found out they were from me! But last night she was wondering if she would get another one, I wished I'd sent one now

Come on! Share what's made you smile today!