He is 26, started Facebook 6 years ago and had been named Time person of the year 2010.
You think he deserved it?
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Dubai Knight wrote:Not really, he is responsible for the wasting of so much youthful time.
I feel like sending him all the messages I get from FB nutters and stalkers. The stupid Farmville updates and Mafia Wars trash that keeps going ping on my laptop is enough to make me want to throw it through the window!
Why not give it someone who has actually helped the intellectual advancement of the species rather than turn its youth into a bunch of pale spotty bedroom bound onanists.
desertdudeshj wrote:Just today on another forum I visit, a wife choose FB over her husband and left him. I personaly know of a woman who almost killed her few month old baby because of neglect playing farmville on FB all the time, if her brother, my good friend hadn't stepped in. In another country she would be charged with attempted second degree manslaughter.
FB is hopeless and I absolutely despise it.
desertdudeshj wrote:It is absolute dribble in my view. The biggest pro argument is it keeps me in touch with friends and family. We don't live in the 18th century anymore. There are many more methods of doing all of that.
I have no intention of meeting someone from twenty years ago who I didn't want to talk to back then either. I have email address and phone numbers of all the people I wish to stay in touch with and that serves well for my communication needs
I have no wish to take part in what is basicaly a online high school popularity contest more suited to 12 yr old girls. No, I don't want to take any quizzes or compatibilty tests or get "poked" or play poker with anyone either. Nor do I want to look at pictures of ugly babies of people I don't like or which mall they have recently visited.
Simply FB is GAY and a HUGE waste of time !
desertdudeshj wrote:Just today on another forum I visit, a wife choose FB over her husband and left him. I personaly know of a woman who almost killed her few month old baby because of neglect playing farmville on FB all the time, if her brother, my good friend hadn't stepped in. In another country she would be charged with attempted second degree manslaughter.
FB is hopeless and I absolutely despise it.
Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) is a term introduced by US phychologists for those who are addicted to facebook and their life is really effected by their uncontrolled activities on Facebook. According to US psychologists the number of patients suffering from FAD are increasing.
Not only US but also millions of South Africans may also be at risk as they search for long-lost friends and relatives, share photo albums and stay abreast of gossip.
Lynlee Howard-Payne, a psychology lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, said: “While there are no official statistics available regarding South Africans who have been diagnosed as having or being treated for FAD, based on the large number of universities, schools and companies blocking access to Facebook … there could very well be an uncontrolled dependence.”
Howard-Payne added: “Universities, schools and companies are forced to limit accessibility to Facebook because some people seem to be unable to perform other tasks if they have access to this online social network. While Facebook is often a great way of maintaining both social and professional relationships, it seems to take on a destructive force with certain personalities.”
After US psychologists began their probe into FAD, millions of Facebook users – there are an estimated 350 million around the world – have admitted to being addicted.
More than 500 groups for addicts have been created on Facebook, where members joke about their dependence on the site.
Howard-Payne said if addicts chose to join a support group, it should not be on Facebook.
She said: “Addictive use of the Internet is a new phenomenon which many practitioners are unaware of and, subsequently, unprepared to treat. Use of Facebook is often a legitimate way of social networking, so abstinence may not be seen as a practical intervention thus it is recommended that there be moderation and controlled use.”
Female Addiction = 37.1 % (Study in 2008 of sample)
Male Addiction = 18.7 % (Study in 2008 of sample)
Source - http://sickfacebook.com/rid-facebook-addiction-6-steps/
According to a survey in Britain by Optimum Research, On behalf of Direct Line Insurance, People lie more on Social networking sites like Facebook than in face-to-face conversation.
The Study based on a survey of over 2,000 people in UK found that people are more comfortable with being liar or dishonest on Facebook than they are speaking to someone in real life.
The survey has also revealed that just 20% of people like to keep themselves honest when communicating via Facebook while almost a third said they are more frank and honest to someone meet in person.
The Daily Telegraph quoted psychologist, Glenn Wilson, He said: “Modern technologies, such as smartphones, social networking, web cameras and instant messaging have been hailed as innovations in the way people interact, removing obstacles to conversation and allowing for openness of discourse”.
He added: “However, we sometimes use these means of communication rather than a face-to-face encounter or a full conversation when we want to be untruthful, as it is easier to fib to someone when we don’t have to deal with their reactions or control our own body language”.
http://sickfacebook.com/facebook-users- ... ersations/
melika969 wrote:No one can blame FB becasue of addiction to the games, there are tons of other games and websites that people can get addicted to, like even on DF we have 24 hour members!
zubber wrote:I can see you would also be included in the 37.1% of female addicts as presented in the study
However in all fairness, the occurrence of statistical anomalies is a common phenomenon
melika969 wrote:No, you review the meaning of "addict", not every female who uses facebook is addicted to it.
zubber wrote:melika969 wrote:No, you review the meaning of "addict", not every female who uses facebook is addicted to it.
Denial - An advanced stage of psychological dependence.
melika969 wrote:No, you review the meaning of "addict", not every female who uses facebook is addicted to it.