Chocoholic wrote:Well it's not really brain surgery is it, if you consume more calories than you burn off on a daily basis, then of course you're going to put on weight. However, people seem to forget that as has already been said, if you're gymming it, then you build muscle and muscle weighs MORE than fat, as it's much denser, therefore of course you're going to put on weight.
I say throw away those scales and go on body shape, feel and what you can get into.
You seem to have missed the point of the article!
Exercise does not really makes you gain weight (due to denser muscles), but rather, it does not make you lose weight due the fact that you feel more hungry after exercise - which makes you pound down the food.
But in my opinion, I think it’s better to be overweight but fit (and healthy) rather than to be thin and out of shape (unhealthy)!
Rigorous exercise is not good either, unless you keep it up until you die. Moderate exercise, along with sensible food and a less stressful lifestyle, is the key to healthy living!