Threatening PM's

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
Morning TJ, no, it was not Kanelli and certainly not Sage or Arnie. I never intended to reveal the person sending the PM but people have jumped in claiming to be the culprit.

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
People should read the posts in the thread. I already said what I wrote to BM. It was a one liner and not threatening in the slightest.

So BM, why don't you post the content of the threatening PM? What do you want done about it when you don't tell admin or mods and don't expose the person to deter them from doing it again ???
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
"I am Spartacus!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:"I am Spartacus!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
kanelli wrote:People should read the posts in the thread. I already said what I wrote to BM. It was a one liner and not threatening in the slightest.

So BM, why don't you post the content of the threatening PM? What do you want done about it when you don't tell admin or mods and don't expose the person to deter them from doing it again ???

Kanelli, can I ask you which part of my statement that the offending PM was not from you, don't you understand?
I note you ignore my invitation to post the content of your second PM to me, which is your perogitive. I choose to keep my Private Messages just that, private. I need not disclose the content or the sender for then to know who they are. I am quite certain they will be deterred from trying to intimidate me or anyone else by sending further PMs which are aggresive and unwanted.
So I'm afraid your pincer movement did not work on me.
Can I point out also, that you are presuming again. How do you know I have not discussed the PM with any moderators? Do you have special powers of which I am unaware?
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
I am very upset that no one thought to suggest that it might have been me !

Who do I write to, to complain ?

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
viking-warrior wrote:I am very upset that no one thought to suggest that it might have been me !

Who do I write to, to complain ?


I'm waiting!!!!!!!!! Let me clean out my mailbox. Been sooooooooooooo very busy lately. :lol: :lol:

Hey to you. How have you been?
Bora Bora
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
BM, I can assure you that I completely understand that no threatening PM came from me.

If you'd like me to post the reply I gave you, here it is;

"Of course Chocs should stay on topic, but that doesn't mean you need to be on there commenting in an insulting way to entice her to retaliate. For example, the Eid Mubarak thread. Your comment was to imply that Chocs is childish to get her to comment back. Bora Bora had already commented that Chocs was off-topic. Your post did nothing but try to fan the flame. Everyone has to try to behave here, get used to starting new thread topics instead of derailing threads, and most of all stop instigating and bickering. Everyone, including me!"

So again, what was the point of this thread?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
Oh God. Around and around, where (and when) it stops no one knows.

Me, I've had enough. :hello2: :hello2:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
Nooo... 'tis I who is Spartacus!

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
kanelli wrote:BM, I can assure you that I completely understand that no threatening PM came from me.

If you'd like me to post the reply I gave you, here it is;

"Of course Chocs should stay on topic, but that doesn't mean you need to be on there commenting in an insulting way to entice her to retaliate. For example, the Eid Mubarak thread. Your comment was to imply that Chocs is childish to get her to comment back. Bora Bora had already commented that Chocs was off-topic. Your post did nothing but try to fan the flame. Everyone has to try to behave here, get used to starting new thread topics instead of derailing threads, and most of all stop instigating and bickering. Everyone, including me!"

So again, what was the point of this thread?

Thanks for sharing, and acknowledging that I do not shoulder all the blame for sending things off topic.
The point of this topic? Well if it makes your friend stop and think before hitting the submit button when she wants to throw her weight around by PM then I consider it job done.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:All a big hue and cry about nothing me thinks, In much cruder terms its know as being an attention w___e

Can I remind you that name calling is supposed to be off limits? Didn't I get a ban for calling you a name? For a moderator to endorse a PM without knowing what's in it, just confirms my first thought that you are way out of your league trying to moderate anything, never mind a public forum.

Wasn't name calling at all, just a description. If the cap fits wear it ... on%20whore

And BB now that your done can you please pass the soap box to someone else. :wink:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
Whore? Thank you. Have you ever heard the expression 'if you give someone enough rope they will hang themselves?'
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 19, 2010
I got some in my ride, you want some ?
And don't get into too much of a twist over it, its just interwebzs terminology. Plus I put a smiley at the end of the post, so must mean I was being humorous !
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
BM, you may be suffering from a case of threatinitis - we've got a cure for that at the Offendatorium.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:
kanelli wrote:BM, I can assure you that I completely understand that no threatening PM came from me.

If you'd like me to post the reply I gave you, here it is;

"Of course Chocs should stay on topic, but that doesn't mean you need to be on there commenting in an insulting way to entice her to retaliate. For example, the Eid Mubarak thread. Your comment was to imply that Chocs is childish to get her to comment back. Bora Bora had already commented that Chocs was off-topic. Your post did nothing but try to fan the flame. Everyone has to try to behave here, get used to starting new thread topics instead of derailing threads, and most of all stop instigating and bickering. Everyone, including me!"

So again, what was the point of this thread?

Thanks for sharing, and acknowledging that I do not shoulder all the blame for sending things off topic.
The point of this topic? Well if it makes your friend stop and think before hitting the submit button when she wants to throw her weight around by PM then I consider it job done.

So I'm assuming it was Chocs? So she didn't threaten you with bodily harm, rather threatened that you'd be banned again? Good grief! How about this. Send her a PM and deal with her yourself instead of posting this useless thread on the forum. Bloody ridiculous.

-- Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:02 am --

Ambassador wrote:BM, you may be suffering from a case of threatinitis - we've got a cure for that at the Offendatorium.

Have you got a rubber room in there? :lol:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Easy K, don't be getting reeled in now.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Oh for goodness sake - I never sent anything threatening to BM - here it is, judge for yourself:

'Seriously Lady, what is wrong with you? Other people are off topic, yet you only choose to pick on me!

I never made anything about ME, it's you who keeps doing that.

You're acting like a weird stalker - pack it up, because I really won't stand for it!'

And not standing for it merely means that I am going to ignore her or give her as good as she dishes out.

The point of this thread? BM attention seeking, as per usual and trying to portray herself as the victim.

What BM SHOULD have done, was address the issues by replying to the PM's she got, instead of putting up this pointless thread. But as I said before, it's purely the sign of a bully who can't take it when the tables are turned, so she cries victim - how sad!

I'm not going to be drawn anymore on this topic and am now off to maske 'certain' members 'foes' so that I don't even3have to see their posts anymore.

End of!
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:All a big hue and cry about nothing me thinks, In much cruder terms its know as being an attention w___e

Can I remind you that name calling is supposed to be off limits? Didn't I get a ban for calling you a name? For a moderator to endorse a PM without knowing what's in it, just confirms my first thought that you are way out of your league trying to moderate anything, never mind a public forum.

Wasn't name calling at all, just a description. If the cap fits wear it ... on%20whore

And BB now that your done can you please pass the soap box to someone else. :wink:

Maybe you haven't realized it but several people are pretty sick and tired of you.

Perching oneself on a soap box is far better than spouting crap from the top of a donkey. I would think by now that the donkey's legs are ready to cave in from the weight of you.
Bora Bora
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Like I said Chocs if I've made you stop and think before throwing your weight about behind the scenes then my work is done. If you have anything to say to me in the future, say it on a public forum so we all know what we are dealing with. And if you can't handle it, then just don't send any more PMs that are unsolicited. Even you can understand that surely?
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
bm why dont you paste the message here so we can all judge whether it was a life threatening PM!
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
rudeboy wrote:bm why dont you paste the message here so we can all judge whether it was a life threatening PM!

er I already did that! And as you can see, nope nothing in there! Mountains and molehills spring to mind. As I said BM is just being an attention seeker - it's really quite sad. Had she replied and dealt with the PM's via reply PM's then no problem - but nooooo she had to make a big song and dance and cry on the open forum, which obviously isn't gaining her any mates apart from her usual lackies.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Are you calling me a lackie?? :shock:

Hope you aren't, because I didn't "support" anyone on this. The only voice I gave to this was to arnie and I didn't go either way.

Chocs, what do you call those who backed you up?
Bora Bora
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
guess us gents might as well get the popcorn out! do you need some oil ladies! :D
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:Are you calling me a lackie?? :shock:

Hope you aren't, because I didn't "support" anyone on this. The only voice I gave to this was to arnie and I didn't go either way.

Chocs, what do you call those who backed you up?

*sigh* - no Bora, it wasn't aimed at you. Relaaaaaax!

-- Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:42 am --

rudeboy wrote:guess us gents might as well get the popcorn out! do you need some oil ladies! :D

Why? Only BM is crying for attention - the rest of us couldn't give a hoot!
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
neither do i! let me get that oil sorted out for you ladies ;)
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
rudeboy wrote:neither do i! let me get that oil sorted out for you ladies ;)

er did you not get that no one cares? Seems like you'll be oiling yourself up mate.


-- Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:58 am --

Bethsmum wrote:Like I said Chocs if I've made you stop and think before throwing your weight about behind the scenes then my work is done. If you have anything to say to me in the future, say it on a public forum so we all know what we are dealing with. And if you can't handle it, then just don't send any more PMs that are unsolicited. Even you can understand that surely?

Clearly you miss the point! I'll address you off the forum if I want to - I'd rather that than tie up threads asking you to stop being such a drama queen - which clearly is the only reason you're around here. Once again, I'm amused that you only address me in regard to this, when others have PM'd you requesting that you stop acting the way you do on the forum.

As I previously said, reply to PM's - NOT start silly threads to get attention! Once again, others have also stated you should do this, yet once again you choose only to highlight me.

I honestly have no more patience for you BM, you come across as all high and mighty, yet you're probably the biggest culprit when it comes to trouble round here - this has been acknowledged ON and OFF to forum!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
why dont you ladies carry each others photos in your handbag and when there is a problem on DF, no matter how impossible, you look at their pictures and the problem disappears!! :D
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