First off, this is a great forum. All right you do come across the odd crazy dropping by, the odd stroppy get spoiling for a ten-minute argument never to be seen again, the occasional saddo who thinks it's a pick-up joint and guys who PM you with gems like "hi, i escort only woman, my price 3000 aed night, kiss". I never did work out just how he could get hold of the wrong end of the stick so spectacularly. And no, tempting tho the offer was

But, if you want a snapshot of Dubai, what it has to offer and what makes some of the people who live here tick then look no further than this site. From plastic scourers to traffic, the weather, where to live, where to relax, what to do and what not to do, DF has the lot. It's the one-stop shop for all things Dubai.
Yeah it can get a bit tetchy at times and sometimes the "discussions" can get hotter than the midday sun but overall this is a great site with great people and great craic. And particularly over the past few months there has been a greater understanding between this League Of Nations and a greater sense of community forged thanks to the efforts of people like arnie.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who's made my stay an enjoyable one, sorry if I've upset anyone along the way, good luck to you all and have a nice life.
And, I can assure you, any subsequent reports of my demise will be greatly exaggerated........