the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Yeats wrote:
well a counter argument can be that ur wife, girlfriend, mistress or/and daughter should dress up more conservatively next time they go out. u live in a conservative society in case u didnt know.
ofcourse theyr gonna react the way they react because it is foreign to them and it sends them a lot of mixed signals. their only interaction with white naked women are thru movies and magazines.
but then again i find ur metaphor quite a racist one. i think wetsren men are the real jackasses jackals. because if we take for granted men's testosteronic aggression anywhere in the word, by proportionate misbehavior, wetsren men will top the categories of rape crimes, criminalities, dometic violence...etc?
gtmash wrote:Where is this pool in which random groups of men can freely enter? I'd like to go there.
Flying Dutchman wrote:Although one can have an unendless discussion about the worth of the statistics, western countries seem to score high...
No statistics about UAE though...
Medvezhonok wrote:gtmash wrote:Where is this pool in which random groups of men can freely enter? I'd like to go there.
Wild Wadi. And where did anyone mention anything about it being free?
kanelli wrote:And don't forget that in the West men and woman are allowed to mix freely and they also consume alcohol. It has been well established that rape is a violent crime about domination and aggression, not necessarily about s.e.x.u.a.l gratification.
Basically, the fact that women are physically weaker is why some men attack. Just being a woman is all it takes sometimes, no matter what you wear and what you do. Men are the root of the problem
Dubai Knight wrote:
The incidence of rape here is considerably lower than many places (per capita of population)
Dubai Knight wrote:and there is enormous degree of restraint taught by the Muslim faith. I wish it were the case with all religions, but it is not.
Dubai Knight wrote:kanelli wrote:And don't forget that in the West men and woman are allowed to mix freely and they also consume alcohol. It has been well established that rape is a violent crime about domination and aggression, not necessarily about s.e.x.u.a.l gratification.
Basically, the fact that women are physically weaker is why some men attack. Just being a woman is all it takes sometimes, no matter what you wear and what you do. Men are the root of the problem
K: You could claim that men are the root of the problem, however we have no control over that, its genetically built in and we have supressed it over the millenia as the human race evolves. The cavemen we used to be would simply bop their women over the head and then drag them home by the hair. This possibly still works in some societies, but I would like to think we are a little more civilised (none of my friends included!)
The situation here in Dubai is exacerbated by the imbalance between the male and female populations. Yes, there are literally millions of guys locked up in all male environments who, when they are let out, have nothing better to do than walk the streets as their salary level is so low. A pretty girl passing by is bound to attract attention from a group or an individual in this instance. Its magnified here by the social situation and means that ANY female is therefore an object of interest.
In the 'west' the genders mingle from an early age, whereas here the majority of ethnic groups here are segregated to varying degrees from an early age. Putting a large number of males together in a closed environment such as this, combined with an Alpha/Beta a time bomb waiting to explode.
Add to this the tendency of some ladies here to forget they are in an Islamic environment and dressing either provocatively or inappropriately and its merely speeding up the ticking clock on the bomb.
The incidence of rape here is considerably lower than many places (per capita of population) and there is enormous degree of restraint taught by the Muslim faith. I wish it were the case with all religions, but it is not.
We may be to blame, but there is provocation...from time to time.
gtmash wrote:Medvezhonok wrote:gtmash wrote:Where is this pool in which random groups of men can freely enter? I'd like to go there.
Wild Wadi. And where did anyone mention anything about it being free?
When did I talk about Wild Wadi? I am talking about the swimming pool mentioned in earlier posts in this thread.
debian wrote:If you don't want people to look then why are you showing
Dubaidude007 wrote:
As far as the problem of inappropriate behaviour goes, it is like many of you pointed out, excrabated because of the gender bias against women in this part of the world. Somehow, with everything else factored in, men see nothing wrong with subjecting women to unwanted sexual advances. This is not the case in societies that implament more equality of the genders as part of their social strata.
reviewer wrote:
Yes, there's a real correlation between society and how it treats its people male and female. When society itself looks upon their womenfolk with low regards and treated unfairly,to the point of being bias in every sense of the word; women are easy prey to abuse of all sort whether at home, work and with in the society. Not suprisingly this societies do tend to hide this treatment by regarding this things as social taboos, a double joepardy for their womenfolk.
Dubai Knight wrote:Nicely put Shaf...
Interestingly, Dubai Municipality have instigated a team tasked with visiting all the malls in Dubai and removing any images or window decoration that is deemed to be outside the moral and cultural mores of the UAE.
In the mall by my office, there are some highly provocative images in poster form on the walls advertising a lingerie shop in the centre. The window display in that store not only shows the actual product on a mannequin, but has large images of a very s.e.x.y girl, obviously provided by the manufacturer in the US.
Don't get me wrong, I am not averse to looking at a beautiful scantily clad girl and this might be acceptable in London or Paris, however I do feel it goes against the grain here in a Muslim environment. I expect these images to be removed in the very near future.
Flying Dutchman wrote:I have real problems trying to understand this sheer hypocricy. And I encounter this kind of hypocricy here in Dubai more than anywhere else in the world...
reviewer wrote:Flying Dutchman wrote:I have real problems trying to understand this sheer hypocricy. And I encounter this kind of hypocricy here in Dubai more than anywhere else in the world...
Hypocrisy is really rife here, their self-righteousness on one hand yet with open hands indulges in debauchery. Its smack of arrogance.
Dubai Knight wrote:
Its not so much 'arrogance' as 'face'. Its very common in Saudi Arabia that a man must appear to be piously Islamic in all ways in front of his peers, however will then travel outside the Kingdom and behave in ways that would instigate a custodial prison sentence in his own country.
Dubai Knight wrote:"What happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas."
This is also quite common for the young ladies of Saudi also and I am afraid that repression of the normal human desires and weaknesses is to blame. If you make certain things 'forbidden fruit' then the desire to taste from that tree becomes an irresistable urge.
Its like having a big red button on the wall that says in bold letters "Do not press!"
Someone will.
Just to see what happens.
debian wrote:If you don't want people to look then why are you showing
kanelli wrote:debian wrote:If you don't want people to look then why are you showing
Come on now, they look anyway, no matter what you wear. Hey, perhaps the men should have a bag or sheet draped over their heads all the time so that we women won't have to see them staring.
shafique wrote:kanelli wrote:debian wrote:If you don't want people to look then why are you showing
Come on now, they look anyway, no matter what you wear. Hey, perhaps the men should have a bag or sheet draped over their heads all the time so that we women won't have to see them staring.
Come on now - there is a world of difference between a nun in a habit and a lady in a mini skirt and boob tube, both would not be stared at.
And you ladies also know that hair style and make up can transform one's appearance and will radically change the attention one draws.
That said, I agree that dress is not the only factor - one can be all covered up and still draw attention - it is however an important factor in itself, all other things being equal, dressing modestly will draw less 'unwanted' attention.