This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko

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This has got to be a total whacko Sep 08, 2010
sage & onion
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 08, 2010
No more so than these whackos

or these whackos

We encourage the freedom of speech and the right of expression provided it does not involve breaking the law.

I myself have, on occassion, felt the desire to burn the entire Harry Potter series of books and am free to do so if I choose. Should I be sanctioned on the grounds of inciting wizardly hatred ?

que - stream of Hagrid jokes from left field ...
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Re: This has got to be a total whacko Sep 08, 2010
I do believe that the act of burning the Holy Koran is sacrilege in any religion, and this guy is supposed to be some kind of Pastor.
sage & onion
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 08, 2010
The guy is a card-carrying loon - he's threatened to burn the Jewish religious book, the Talmud too:

..and here he is trying to defend his actions:

The US Attorney General has said:
And the US Attorney General, Eric Holder, called the idea "idiotic and dangerous".

The Islamophobes (i.e. loons) won't, of course, denounce anyone who is Christian, idiotic and dangerous - that would mean denouncing most of the loon bloggers and those who read the blogs!
(see )

[/politics] :)

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Re: This has got to be a total whacko Sep 09, 2010
sage & onion wrote:I do believe that the act of burning the Holy Koran is sacrilege in any religion, and this guy is supposed to be some kind of Pastor.

He's no pastor, he just rented a church and has a congregation of about 50 people. In US I guess just bout anyone can be a pastor. He doesn't belong to any reputable sect like Roman Catholicism or any other. Just a fringe lunatic. Last I heard he's been refused the bonfire license.

-- Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:09 am --

Well VK it's all bout identity mate, and I guess a passport makes no difference to one's identity!
Misery Called Life
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 09, 2010

Not sure I follow - the only point I was really trying to make was if there is a God, (and I am prepared to accept pretty much anyone's interpretation of his/her/its manifestation because its not an hallucination that I have had any experience of), why are there so many people dead in this entitys cause and why are there so many nutters on ALL sides banging on about having the private line to his office.

I have a lot of time for Shaf - he knows his onions & can debate the teeth out of a croc on religion but hasn't it all just gotten a bit too much ... it's "My imaginary friend's better than your imaginary friend" all over again?

Why not let the nutter burn his book (if its a curse then he will surely burn in hell) ... the reaction that this has created has now far superceded the threat of the act.

I mean why even dignify his barbeque by concerning yourself with it ?

[I was listening to a debate on this subject today and the only mental picture that it generated was millions of Frau Unibrows running around shouting "ARM THE LASER........."]
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 09, 2010
Lol, i feel sorry for him.. if he didnt recieve his punishment in real life, he will at the end!!
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 09, 2010
Well if there is such a thing as divine justice then he should spend eternity is the same place as the 9/11 hijackers
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 09, 2010
Well, according to Der Spiegel, the Pastor ISN'T all there, and having a 'Delusional Personality':

Terry Jones Accused of 'Spiritual Abuse' at Cologne Church

By Yassin Musharbash and Dominik Peters

US fundamentalist pastor Terry Jones, who wants to burn copies of the Koran on Sept. 11, ran a church in the western German city of Cologne until last year when members of the congregation expelled him. Former members have spoken of his hate-filled sermons and insistence on "blind obedience."

The world is holding its breath -- and it's all down to a tiny Christian fundamentalist church in Florida.

Next Saturday, on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Rev. Terry Jones and his colleagues plan to burn hundreds of copies of the Koran on the church's property in Gainesville, Florida.
The White House has condemned the plan, and Muslim organizations around the world have warned of the consequences should the Koran-burning go ahead. But the church is sticking to its plans.

Naturally the radical Islamophobes know very well that their deliberate provocation could trigger potentially violent protests and riots. But they have washed their hands of any responsibility. "Let's just make one thing clear," the wannabe Koran-burners write on their blog. "A small church, in a small town, down a back road, burning copies of its own books, on its own property, is not responsible for the violent actions anyone may take in retaliation to our protest."

Terry Jones, the man behind the action, is the pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center, a church that manages to attract a Sunday congregation of just 50 people, members of the radical fringe of the evangelical movement. Jones, a 58-year-old former hotel manager with a distinctive mustache, is also the author of a polemic book titled "Islam Is of the Devil."

'Climate of Fear and Control'

In the United States, Jones has already attracted attention on several occasions as an Islamophobic provocateur. What is less well known is that the pastor led a charismatic evangelical church, the Christian Community of Cologne, in the western German city up until 2009. Last year, however, the members of the congregation kicked founder Jones out, because of his radicalism. One of the church's current leaders, Stephan Baar, also told the German news agency DPA that there had been suspicions of financial irregularities in the church surrounding Jones.

A "climate of fear and control" had previously prevailed in the congregation, says one former member of the church who does not want to be named. Instead of free expression, "blind obedience" was demanded, he says.

Various witnesses gave SPIEGEL ONLINE consistent accounts of the Jones' behavior. The pastor and his wife apparently regarded themselves as having been appointed by God, meaning opposition was a crime against the Lord. Terry and Sylvia Jones allegedly used these methods to ask for money in an increasingly insistent manner, as well as making members of the congregation carry out work.

Andrew Schäfer, a Protestant Church official responsible for monitoring sects in the region where Cologne is located, confirmed the accounts. "Terry Jones is a fundamentalist," he told SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Both major churches in Germany have "sect commissioners" who monitor the activities of religious groups, sects and cults. Although they are obviously not totally impartial, the officials' findings are usually considered to be trustworthy.

'Delusional Personality'

Former church members are still undergoing therapy as a result of "spiritual abuse," Schäfer said. According to Schäfer, Jones urged church members to beat their children with a rod and also taught "a distinctive demonology" and conducted brainwashing.

"Terry Jones appears to have a delusional personality," speculates Schäfer. When he came to Germany in the 1980s, Jones apparently considered Cologne "a city of Hell that was founded by Nero's mother," while he thought Germany was "a key country for the supposed Christian revival of Europe," Schäfer says.

Terry Jones used his powers of persuasion to expand the congregation. By the end, Schäfer estimates, it numbered between 800 and 1,000 people. They had to work in the so-called "Lisa Jones Houses," charitable institutions named after his first wife who has since died, under very poor conditions.

Increasingly Radical

Jones became increasingly radical as the years went by, former associates say. At one point he wanted to help a homosexual member to "pray away his sins." Later he began to increasingly target Islam in his sermons. A congregation member reported that some members were afraid to attend services because they expected to be attacked by Muslims. "Terry Jones has a talent for finding topical social issues and seizing on them for his own cause," says Schäfer.
By the end of 2007, the community had had enough. Members confronted him and tried to change the direction of the church. But Terry Jones refused to make changes, they say. In the end, Jones, his wife and their fellow preachers were expelled from the church and he moved back to the US. "The community imploded," says Schäfer. It only has some 80 active members today.

Now the whole world is condemning Jones for his planned burning of copies of the Koran. Schäfer, for his part, sees Jones as a fanatic who is courting global media attention because he couldn't cope with the "immense loss of power and significance." ... 09,00.html
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 10, 2010
viking-warrior wrote:Hi MCL

Not sure I follow - the only point

Greetings Warrior,

I was merely being sarcastic, at the link you posted. The picture was rather shocking.

I have nothing against religion either. Infact I say it's great. Just don't mix it with politics. But alas that's wishful thinking cos the lines now are irrevocably drawn, and it's polarizing societies all over the world, forcing people to take sides.
Misery Called Life
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 10, 2010
last i heard he cancelled the KKK party :D i guess the KKK aint pulling crowd in the USA like they used too!!
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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 11, 2010
rudeboy wrote:last i heard he cancelled the KKK party :D i guess the KKK aint pulling crowd in the USA like they used too!!

Its the economic downturn: have you seen the price of cross burnin' wood these days in Alabama?!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: This Has Got To Be A Total Whacko Sep 11, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:
rudeboy wrote:last i heard he cancelled the KKK party :D i guess the KKK aint pulling crowd in the USA like they used too!!

Its the economic downturn: have you seen the price of cross burnin' wood these days in Alabama?!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Aren't they making any money out of Marlboro sales these days?

It's all a load of camel poo if you ask me.
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