the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Dubai Rose wrote:I used to like to come around here once in a while to see what's going with Dubai. But now this DF seems to be turning into a pile of trash....!!!
Dubai Rose wrote:I used to like to come around here once in a while to see what's going with Dubai. But now this DF seems to be turning into a pile of trash....!!!
desertdudeshj wrote:Couldn't agree more.
drewpeacock wrote:
Yes you could just add a one at the end for starters, but then again Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, difficult for some to work out so I did it for you.
drewpeacock wrote:As I say........................................absolute gibberish when it comes to the English language.
symmetric wrote:drewpeacock wrote:As I say........................................absolute gibberish when it comes to the English language.
Off (insert space)course, aren't you spellcheckergirl after all?
Dubai Rose wrote:I used to like to come around here once in a while to see what's going with Dubai. But now this DF seems to be turning into a pile of trash....!!!
Ambassador wrote:Dubai Rose wrote:I used to like to come around here once in a while to see what's going with Dubai. But now this DF seems to be turning into a pile of trash....!!!
And you have that opinion after 33 posts.. Nothing wrong with alter-egos by the way.
Bethsmum wrote:Which one am I?
cw71017 wrote:I haven't been around long enough to judge, but I know it's not the fastest forum in the world. It's not bad either though.
EDIT: A lot of forums have actually been saying this. I don't think that it's actually dying out, maybe everyone's just getting tired of it.
Chocoholic wrote:Ambassador wrote:Dubai Rose wrote:I used to like to come around here once in a while to see what's going with Dubai. But now this DF seems to be turning into a pile of trash....!!!
And you have that opinion after 33 posts.. Nothing wrong with alter-egos by the way.
Ambassador, people lurk on here for days, weeks, months or even years without posting anything. It doesn't mean their opinions are invalid. Quit the opposite.