These events are absolutely shocking and clearly a lot of the attacks are racially motivated which is even more

ing. I will say that a few of the attacks are just thugs mugging people who look like easy targets, but I couldn't believe the one with the firebomb. What the hell is wrong with some people?
Is Australia racist? Kinda. We went through a big 'lets keep saying how multicultural we are' phase a few years ago and it sort of looked like an attempt to block out the fact that quite a few Aussie are racist. Then it boiled over in the Cronulla race riots where a huge number of very drunk wankers started running around beating up Lebanese. Idiots, and very shameful for Australia.
But not all of Australia is like that. I grew up in Darwin which is very multicultural (lots of Chinese, Greeks, Italian, Vietnamese, Indons, Timorese). But that's not to say that racism doesn't exist there.
I think a large number of Aussies are racist against the native Aboriginal people. Mainly because they have been kicked around so much by the Government over the years (we're trying to change that now) that they are so messed up socially that all most Aussies see of Aboriginal people is the bum on the street asking for change. Sensible people realise that there are deep rooted reasons for the predicament of the Aboriginal people, but idiots ignore this and use the drunk bum as evidence for them being lesser people. Classic bigot stuff.
All of this was not helped by our last Government, under John Howard. He was a conservative man who believed that locking up refugees in desert detention camps was a reasonable way to deter desperate people from getting in a boat and trying to come here illegally. He also had a bunch of conservative ministers who were more than willing to do his bidding and not speak out themselves. Even when mistakes were clearly made the Government always tried to save face and never admit when they were wrong. I hate this man so much and I think he put Australia back 20 years with his policies.
I think Australians need to man-up and stop repeating that we are not racist to everyone and start looking more at the causes of racism and try to reduce it. I don't think we are more racist that other western countries, but we certainly have work to do.
The funny stupidity of the situation is how racism changes over the years. We had a big influx of Italians and Greeks come over after the second world war, and they copped a lot of racism. Then the Vietnamese and Cambodians came over after the Vietnam war, and they copped it too, but they also got it from the Greeks and Italians who were now integrated into the community.
Then the Lebanese came over after their war, and it was the white aussies, greeks and asians giving them hassle. Now we have the Africans coming over, and they are getting hassled. Madness, why can't people look at the situation and realised that it's just because they are new, not because of where they come from. In 20 years, the African Australians are going to be complaining about the xxxxx people and how they don't fit in. ha!
To sum up, please don't judge all Australians based on these few idiots. Most Australians are nice, honest people who would be appalled by these stories.
Yes we have our problems but hopefully our newish Government will take up the challenge and start doing something to make sure everyone can live in peace and respect each other.