1. So-called mods where "dethroned" and for many of them the only reason to post was to show "the world" that they were mods. Now they have no reason to post - sadly; for them.
2. It is easier to criticize someone's post than to start a new thread.
3. Not many interesting members or interesting threads
4. Apparently some here know each other outside the forum and that surely inhibits what is said.
5. Too many people with thin skin or claimed high "morals" and full membership in the ofendatoruim (by the way, the place is now over subscribed - and we do not allow access to DF at the ofendatorium- which come to think of it might be a reason for the low posting

6. Most importantly, as hard as it might be to believe, some have better things to do.
Just my theory....if you disagree; see "2" above