The Verdict.

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Re: The Verdict. Mar 04, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I think its a big case of sour grapes all around.

Whats herve got to be sour about?
As far as I know his scotum is still in tact, and he has a nice thing going in Florida.

PS Do I get a free book for the 150th post?

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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
Mine got caught up and never arrived, so I doubt you'll be getting any ! Specially after you've been so mean to Herve :D
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
benwj wrote:Bora, Dubai has always attracted people with money. Whether it’s the Indian laborer or the British financial manager. They all come for the same reason.
Herve himself made money.
Now he is diss'n the people that he made money from. Not only that, but when they are awarded a negligible amount in damages his response is: too bad the company is history, I'll start another one soon enough.

What you said earlier it was GREED, not money, that brought people to Dubai. What is wrong with making a move because you are going to make more money?? Did you come to Dubai to work for free? Did you negotiate your contract to get, plus, plus, plus? - add a bit more so that you could save a bit more.

As I said earlier, speaking for myself, we didn't come here for the money on both occasions. It wasn't until several years ago that I stopped working as we needed to be a two=income family. Nobody gave my husband anything and he didn't take anything, we are where we are because he worked damned hard to get there. He's one of the few people who actually had to prove himself over and over because he wasn't blonde-haired and blue-eyed and could coast through his job while collecting fat paychecks at the end of every month.

Money may have been your motivation to come to Dubai, but it isn't necessarily what motivated everyone who came here. Everybody has a story Benwj as to how and why they came to Dubai. And there are many people who have a story as to why the left, and I'm sure that most of those stories don't have a happy ending.

I wonder what you think about your fellow countrymen, some of who worked for DW or a subsidiary of DW, who are either in jail or unable to leave Dubai because of charges brought against them and they are having to fight the Dubai justice system. It's been going on so long for them that they have been forgotten. Or, hopefully some deal was cut and they left the country. Did you know it's not actually "justice", it's called "just is". Because when you get sentenced without a fair trial being afforded to you, conducted through translators, in the end you get "it is what it is, just is."
Bora Bora
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
Yes, Bora. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the money and I doubt that any others would be either.
(Thats the reason why the salaries are relatively higher :idea: )

But I'm not going to jump up and down if all of a sudden things get too hard, I lose my job or have to leave etc etc. Thats the nature of the beast. Anyone who comes to Dubai knows that, whether they admit it or not.

-- Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:13 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:Mine got caught up and never arrived, so I doubt you'll be getting any ! Specially after you've been so mean to Herve :D

Have I been that mean DDS?
If I know herve, he is probably sitting in Florida laughing at us because he managed to pull off the Italian job and we are still in Dubai.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
Ben, i'm coming over in a few weeks. If you would like a copy of Herve's book, I will bring one for you and I'm sure. if I asked Herve, he would sign it for you :wink:

DDS, you can whistle.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
Thanks BM, but I already have a copy. :shock: Do you think herve can sign it in person? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
benwj wrote:Thanks BM, but I already have a copy. :shock: Do you think herve can sign it in person? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hopefully! :D
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
benwj wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I think its a big case of sour grapes all around.

Whats herve got to be sour about?
As far as I know his scotum is still in tact, and he has a nice thing going in Florida.

PS Do I get a free book for the 150th post?

You are in denial ben, when DW was after me for AED5M and used the police to nail me, it was life imprisonment I was facing, for something I did not do. It was not 5 years in prison, it was life, man.
Do you think I am going to forget what i got out of?
you do realize that the US court ruling is the exact opposite of the Dubai ruling, total rejection, proof that Dubai Justice is rotten to the core. Trust me it is not the end, it is not about sour, it is about exposing Dubai.
Don't you know that release from prison can only be granted after you have paid the money regardless of the initial sentence. You don't pay, you stay behind bars.
Same applies to all others managers, CEO's and other victims of the Dubai extortion system.
It is beyond sourness, I will never stop warning people and saying that Dubai is a dangerous place of smoke and mirrors. Every investor or tourist I turn away is a victory.
Dubai is a Ponzi scheme with Sheikh Mohammed pulling the strings and covering up the truth with threats and coercion. He owns DW and everything else indebted beyond what it s worth, and he enforces rules that do not apply to him to get away with it, only it is not going to work.
This lawsuit order came directly from his office, not DW. He took my book as a direct insult.
I guess with this post this thread is going to be dumped for self censorship.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
I'm not in denial herve. I know exactly where we all stand.
You were in denial up until the point that they arrested you.
But you weren't the first to be distracted by the glitz and you won't be the last.
They gave you millions but have nothing to show for it.
You can't operate like that in the middle east and expect to walk away scot free.

Of course Shiek Mo took the book as a direct insult. It is extremely biased.

Anyone can be released before paying their debt (another biased opinion of yours). I know some personally.
But they didn't write a book slandering the ruler.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
Since there was nothing positive in the book about Dubai, anyone can conclude that it was insulting, especially the Ruler.

People can be released before paying debt, but only if one or two people put their passports up as "security" that the person being released will not flee. If they flee, the person(s) who put their passport(s) up as security end up being responsible for the debt. I have heard a few stories where that had happened. Fortunately large amounts weren't involved, but nevertheless, people had their had bitten when they extended it to help someone.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
Majority of the times its because of a bad cheque and not the money owed as a bounced cheque is a criminal offense here, but after all the recent going on there is talk of decriminalising this, but some like the regional head of HSBC wants it to stay because according to him its the best way to recover bad debt here !

The money owed is a civil case unless there are accusations of fraud and embezzelments and as er all know a civil case here is a long drawn out and expensive excersice, but if your in the clear you will get what you deserve. Like in the case of DD here
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
A bad check and a bounced check are the same thing, aren't they? A bad check translates into no or insufficient funds to cover the amount of the check. This is also called a bounced check.

If people such as those at HSBC were willing to allow people to pay off their debt from wherever they are, they would probably have collected alot more from those that had to do runners.

Was DDs case against a semi or fully owned government company?? If not, there were probably underlying factors that worked in his favor for him to win his suit, such as suing an international company, or a privately-held company by an expat, which would give the judge the ability to make a decision without being "partial" to one party.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
benwj wrote:I'm not in denial herve. I know exactly where we all stand.
You were in denial up until the point that they arrested you.
But you weren't the first to be distracted by the glitz and you won't be the last.
They gave you millions but have nothing to show for it.
You can't operate like that in the middle east and expect to walk away scot free.

Of course Shiek Mo took the book as a direct insult. It is extremely biased.

Anyone can be released before paying their debt (another biased opinion of yours). I know some personally.
But they didn't write a book slandering the ruler.

Anyone means everybody, and that is absolutely not true. It must have been a small debt, and a few passports must have been confiscated. In all cases the confiscation of the passport is used for a commercial advantage. It s abuse of process.
The ruler enforces rules that throw in jail anyone who falls behind payments of loans and debts, but that does not apply to him, when sitting on a $60billion debt he tells his creditors: "oh by the way i changed the terms, I will pay you back, but a little and in 10 years".
The creditors say nothing because a little in 10 years is better than nothing, but this is a reason why Dubai will never make it, who after this is going to lend one dollar to Dubai.
For the big alleged debts and fines, these guys will never be releaed, also because they might sue after they return to their countries. Soon it will cost a fortune to hire expat execs because of the cost of litigation.
I was forced to pay $40,000 to DW, for something i did not owe, this constitutes extortion. This is a serious crime, and committed by a Government owned company, unfortunately i cant sue them for that.
There is no slander in my book, if there was I would have been sued. Give me one example that is not true.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
I used bad and bounced synonymously in my post. Agreed DD did not go up against gaints backed by the govt that was just to used as an example. Anyways the point of the whole thread is both sides claiming victory where none have won.

The whole hoo haa about being found guilty in dubai and not in florida does not hold much water here. The justice system is far from perfect here, no one is arguing that, but hardly anyone ever wins a case in absentia and also there is a law that any ruling made in such a case automatically becomes nil and a new trial is ordered is the missing party is found. So in all legality the local guilty verdict holds only as long as HJ is not within the country. Not saying that he should come back and fight a case. That would have two backdraws one most probably he would be found guilty and second if he isn't then he himself becomes a liar. So a loose loose situation for HJ in every aspect.

Also to believe HJ is somekind of totally innocent victim, free from all guilt here is also dubious to say the least. Millions were spent and nothing to show for it except that dingy we saw earlier. Even the US court found seahorse guilty, just because it is defunct now does not absolve it. Infact shifts the blame to HJ as he was the boss man, but because of the legal loop hole he is free from it.

-- Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:41 pm --

herve wrote:The ruler enforces rules that throw in jail anyone who falls behind payments of loans

Me having all sorts of issues with this place and all but what is, is, if you know what I mean. The above statment is simply not true, as I've mentioned earlier no one goes to jail for money owed, unless after long and lenghty civil trial for which the repayment terms are very flexible, also the court throws out any fines, fees or interest incurred on this debt and only the original amount is awarded.

After missing the court appointed installments I think two or three times the person is either asked to clear the debt or face jail time.

The large number of people in jails right now are because of bounced checks and nothing else. Passport release works on some cases and doesn't in some. All depends on mood and the nationality of the accused.

Statements like the above do nothing but damage your credibilty. This place has all sorts of trouble but just making stuff up does not help.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
In my company, 3 times I had to bail out of jail employees for missing 2 car payments. Every time it happened while going throught the airport, in or out.
Dont spin my words, whether they give you time or not, opportunities or not, if you don't pay your "ALLEGED" debt you WILL go to jail.
The only reason I was not jailed is because I said I would pay , but needed time. I knew i could never exonerate myself so I escaped.
So I dont know what you are talking about.
And again your biased opinion that I am guilty anyways. You would be a perfect match to be a UAE judge.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
Take no notice of DDS, Herve. He is jumping on the 'Let's all Give Herve A Hard Time' bandwagon.

He still doesn't get the fact that the Judge would have had no alternative but to find in favour of Seahorse, as by Herve's account the subs were not delivered. Herve has explained why this happened but at the end of the day a deposit was paid for something that wasn't delivered. The Judge gave judgement against a company that was disolved 5 years ago. Herve is not liable for that debt in law. It is in DDS's opinion that the blame shifts to Herve as the 'boss man'. His opinion is irelevant, we should be looking at the facts and the law.

Why people continually choose to overlook the facts simply amases me! It makes their arguments lose all credibility.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 05, 2011
Again thats a case for bounced cheques, plain and simple. Rent a cars also have somekind of authority to do this i.e travel ban.

Its not a biased opinion, quite the contrary infact, as many posters know I'm not the greatest fan of this place and the last one to defend it but again lets not make up stuff. Actually it is your opinion which is highly biased. Its no secret someone with a grude and the right connections can make life difficult Also that many are in prison but 99.9% of those cases are bounced cheques. Again what your saying is absolutely rubbish.

What looses favour in your story is its always highly critical and one sided. If you stopped waving your Dubai basher flag a little less and accepted some blame that would go a long way, hey what I did was not right or not anything different from what most were doing but what happened to me or what was going to happen to me was in no way propotionate to my actions i,e the time did not fit the crime. That would give you a more sympathetic ear.

If you read my posts, you'll see I agree with a lot of what you say about this place and so do many but the always I'm an angel and everybody else is evil incarnate is starting to fall on deaf years. During peak recession time, dubai bashing was the in thing but even then you could not create the media storm you hoped. Your much hyped ( by you ) recent court came and went without so much as storm in a teacup. People had to dig obscure local websites to even find a mention of it. No headlines splashed across the New York Times or no huge expose's etc etc.

Your main charge abuse of process and basically what your whole story is all about was found to be without feet in a court of your liking in a country you see to be the most fair and on top of that your company i.e you was found guilty and yet you still make so much noise about "victory" with so much bravado its absoultely mind boggling, but ofcourse you choose to milk your bashing further by another book and maybe some straight to DVD movie.

Again as we never here the actual story from your side as to what really happened as why DW came after you in the first place. I can only assume you were caught with your hands in the honey pot and now sore about it and the large amounts of money involved with pretty much nothing to show for it also lends credence to that story. Innocent people have gone to the electric chair where you now live so trying to say that "abuse of process" is a trademark for Dubai is incorrect.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 06, 2011
Bloody hell DDS, that was hard to read and could best be described as a rant. What happened to full stops and commas? Is that the record for the longest ever sentence?

Not long ago, DDS, when you were slagging the French off in general, you said you'd only met two nice French people, and one of those was Herve. What's happened to make you change allegience?

Where is Viking Warrior when you need him? He would be able to take your post down with a stroke of his pen.
Its no secret someone with a grude and the right connections can make life difficult

You had better believe that munchkin :shock:

What looses favour in your story is its always highly critical and one sided

Have you spoken to SBS about his side of the story? I would lay my last dhs100 that he is as biased as Herve, but we don't get to hear his side, do we? I'm sure if you had been convicted in your absence you would be biased too. How many times have we heard your negative tales, your rants about having to renew your driving licence, about having to have an Emirates ID card blah blah, when in reality the only thing against you here in Dubai is that you are a Pakistani and therefore classed as a second class citizen by the locals? Let's hear what you have to say when your passport is removed and you face 5 tears in jail, with the possibility of never being released and never seeing your sons or wife again!

Have you considered that you may not have read much about the case in Dubai because DW are that embarrassed about the outcome that they are playing it down on purpose? VW has said that DW's lawyers were absolutley livid at the outcome, which he himself described as 'fair'. Why would you have expected to see it in the New York Times for Christ sake?

Your next paragraph is such a rant I can't make head nor tail of it. It's something about bravado and another book and a DVD. If there is indeed another book, I say good for Herve, he will need to recover his Court costs somehow and if someone wants to build a film around his story, I say good luck again, There are plenty of murderers out there who've had there story told in a movie, so why not Herve? Nobody died here. Are you a bit jealous DDS? I can't see any other reason why you would rant about somone else being the subject of a movie.
I can only assume you were caught with your hands in the honey pot and now sore about it and the large amounts of money involved with pretty much nothing to show for it also lends credence to that story.

Again, the arrogance of people! YOU assume Herve was caught with his hand in the till! LOL What gives you the right to assume anything about Herve? What exactly do you base your assumption on, I ask?

Innocent people have gone to the electric chair where you now live so trying to say that "abuse of process" is a trademark for Dubai is incorrect.

What the hell does that mean? The electric chair for Christs sake? Have you started partaking of BM's favourite tipple and it's gone straight to your head? The electric chair? Where did that come from??? LOOOL

Nice try DDS but your post can best be described as tosh (an English term for nonsense, get that added to your phrase book, sharpish!)

Nite nite munchkin :drunken: :drunken:

I'll leave this with you. As Jessie J would say, we want to make the world dance forget about the price tag, it's not about the money. You can't put a price on the life!

Okay, Coconut man, Moon Head and Pea
You ready

Seems like everybody's got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the sale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop, for a minute and

Why is everybody so serious
Acting so damn mysterious
Got your shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can't even have a good time.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
We're paying with love tonight
It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.


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Re: The Verdict. Mar 06, 2011
herve wrote:
benwj wrote:I'm not in denial herve. I know exactly where we all stand.
You were in denial up until the point that they arrested you.
But you weren't the first to be distracted by the glitz and you won't be the last.
They gave you millions but have nothing to show for it.
You can't operate like that in the middle east and expect to walk away scot free.

Of course Shiek Mo took the book as a direct insult. It is extremely biased.

Anyone can be released before paying their debt (another biased opinion of yours). I know some personally.
But they didn't write a book slandering the ruler.

Anyone means everybody, and that is absolutely not true. It must have been a small debt, and a few passports must have been confiscated. In all cases the confiscation of the passport is used for a commercial advantage. It s abuse of process.
The ruler enforces rules that throw in jail anyone who falls behind payments of loans and debts, but that does not apply to him, when sitting on a $60billion debt he tells his creditors: "oh by the way i changed the terms, I will pay you back, but a little and in 10 years".
The creditors say nothing because a little in 10 years is better than nothing, but this is a reason why Dubai will never make it, who after this is going to lend one dollar to Dubai.
For the big alleged debts and fines, these guys will never be releaed, also because they might sue after they return to their countries. Soon it will cost a fortune to hire expat execs because of the cost of litigation.
I was forced to pay $40,000 to DW, for something i did not owe, this constitutes extortion. This is a serious crime, and committed by a Government owned company, unfortunately i cant sue them for that.
There is no slander in my book, if there was I would have been sued. Give me one example that is not true.

You do realise that 30mill of the 60 bill is down to you don't you herve?
But you choose to ignore this and cherry pick what suits you.
From what I have read, your book is the same, just telling a biased view without any explaination.
You would get a lot more respect if you did what DDS suggests, stop playing the victim all of the time AND acknowledged how much money you made from a failed business that you were responsible for.
DW claim this figure to be 5mill which is not accurate is it?
So tell us what the true figure is.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 06, 2011
That is absolute rubbish to say that it's 99.9% are in jail for bounced checks.

Same can be said for DW - no NYT headlines for them - only the Gulf News and The National.

You really don't know much about the justice system in the US dude. Or much about a verdict that exonerates a person. When someone's name is cleared of charges made against them, they are exonerated (freed from any question of guilt). In HJs case it was by a jury of 12 (the usual number of jurors to sit). There was not one charge brought against HJ by DW, but several. The jury has to render a verdict for each count brought against HJ. In such a case as HJs, the judge has the power to overturn a verdict. I believe in this case the jury did not award in favor of DW, but the judge had a different view and did so. DW named the company as the responsible party, which does not make HJ the responsible party. There is a difference in suing a company and suing an individual. The same way HJs suit was against DW, not SBS. If he had won his case, DW would have had to pay the award, not SBS.

If you are going to play lawyer dude, assumptions mean nothing. You know what they say when you "assume". If you had at least read the book, your ammo might have a bit more impact. If you don't read the book, don't make such assumptions, especially when you can find answers to your questions in the book.

Due Process of Law: The verdict in favor of DW, in all probability, came about as the US has no say in how another country enforces it's judicial system, the same as a non-US citizen cannot be protected in the US by the sytem in place of their home country. People who seek asylum in the US are granted as such if the US is aware of how the country they are trying to escape metes out justice. Those in Gadaffi's cabinet who served as ambassadors were probably granted asylum in the countries they were in as it would be logical to assume that their lives would be in danger if they returned to Libya.

The electric chair is no longer the "choice of weapon" shall we say, in the US. There are only 9 states that have the electric chair, along with lethal injection. The person facing execution has the option of which form of execution they want. The remaining states have adopted lethal injection as the only form of execution.

Due Process of Law: When someone is found guilty through a trial, he is given the opportunity to appeal his case. This process of appeal does not only apply to those found guilty of murder. One can have numerous appeals. An appeal is granted when a judge determines that there is additional evidence that can be introduced to prove innocence or guilt. Should that trail fail and the person is again found guilty, and at a later date more evidence can qualify for a re-trial, another appeal is granted. People sentenced to death can, with good cause, re-open their case and have a re-trial. When a guilty person can no longer provide solid evidence to support his case, then he has exhausted the appeal process. Up until the time of execution, and this is where lawyers work their hardest, a stay of execution can be granted at the very last minute by the Governor of that state, if the lawyers were able to produce additional evidence, which has to be substantially strong.

On the subject of execution, remember the pedophile who was found guilty for the murder of a young boy? In 2011, he was shot by a firing squad.

In the US, a total of 19 people were tried in absentia. There have been many other cases, where defendants were available. There are several reasons for going forward without the defendant present: defendant was disruptive during the trial, defendant fled, defendant waived his right to be present to name a few. The US does not waste the time of the courts by allowing any random case to go to trial in absentia.

The US justice system isn't perfect, but there is due process of law, giving both sides an opportunity to be present and to present their case. If I had to be tried anywhere it would be there. Second to the US would be the UK.

If you found yourself in a legal situation what country would you want to be tried in because you believe the judicial system is nothing less than FAIR???

You assuming and passing judgment on the US legal system is like me telling you how to tune an engine, for which I don't know diddly about. And please don't correct me about the legal system I have grown up with and worked within.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 06, 2011
Thank you Bora, but I feel your explanation may have fallen on deaf ears. People have chosen what they want to believe of Herve regardless of his and VW's explanations.
If Herve feels he has been exonerated, then I'm pleased for him. He really doesn't have to prove his innocence before the Judge and Jury known as DF.
I just hope none of those here ever find themselves on the wrong side of any of the locals or the Government in Dubai. But if they did and they chose to share as Herve has I would give them words of support, for what it was worth.
Herve is biased and who can blame him? I would be just as biased in his shoes.
I wish him and his family good luck for the future and hope they can put all this behind them.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 06, 2011
I'd be the first to wish herve and his family good luck BM.
But he doesn't need our luck at all.
He's set for life.
And yet he still complains and plays the victim.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 06, 2011
benwj wrote: You do realise that 30mill of the 60 bill is down to you don't you herve?
But you choose to ignore this and cherry pick what suits you.
From what I have read, your book is the same, just telling a biased view without any explaination.
You would get a lot more respect if you did what DDS suggests, stop playing the victim all of the time AND acknowledged how much money you made from a failed business that you were responsible for.
DW claim this figure to be 5mill which is not accurate is it?
So tell us what the true figure is.

For the $30M, i delivered a state of the art factory, this is an undisputed fact, then I got fired, the 2 replacements CEO's who followed me, failed, and 2 years later after i left , DW closed down the factory. It s a little too easy to blame me.
The problem is not with the CEO's, problem is with DW.
You will not see anytime soon any manufacturing in the UAE, no cars, no planes, no appliances.
Speaking of senseless investment, how about the QE2, $100M for a rusty peice of junk full of asbestos. Barneys, $300M loss, City center close to a billion loss.
How many times do i have to tell you , that a US court went over DW's evidence, and ruled that i Did not take a single dollar.
It is not about the money benjw, it s about fronting DW, exposing their lies. In my Dubai case SABS ' name was not even mentionned, but the US court dragged his @ss in the US for a deposition because he was responsible.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 06, 2011
benwj wrote:I'd be the first to wish herve and his family good luck BM.
But he doesn't need our luck at all.
He's set for life.
And yet he still complains and plays the victim.

ben I think you may be surprised. I wouldn't say Herve was set for life. Who do you think has paid his lawyers fees?
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 06, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:That is absolute rubbish to say that it's 99.9% are in jail for bounced checks.

Same can be said for DW - no NYT headlines for them - only the Gulf News and The National.

You really don't know much about the justice system in the US dude. Or much about a verdict that exonerates a person. When someone's name is cleared of charges made against them, they are exonerated (freed from any question of guilt). In HJs case it was by a jury of 12 (the usual number of jurors to sit). There was not one charge brought against HJ by DW, but several. The jury has to render a verdict for each count brought against HJ. In such a case as HJs, the judge has the power to overturn a verdict. I believe in this case the jury did not award in favor of DW, but the judge had a different view and did so. DW named the company as the responsible party, which does not make HJ the responsible party. There is a difference in suing a company and suing an individual. The same way HJs suit was against DW, not SBS. If he had won his case, DW would have had to pay the award, not SBS.

If you are going to play lawyer dude, assumptions mean nothing. You know what they say when you "assume". If you had at least read the book, your ammo might have a bit more impact. If you don't read the book, don't make such assumptions, especially when you can find answers to your questions in the book.

Due Process of Law: The verdict in favor of DW, in all probability, came about as the US has no say in how another country enforces it's judicial system, the same as a non-US citizen cannot be protected in the US by the sytem in place of their home country. People who seek asylum in the US are granted as such if the US is aware of how the country they are trying to escape metes out justice. Those in Gadaffi's cabinet who served as ambassadors were probably granted asylum in the countries they were in as it would be logical to assume that their lives would be in danger if they returned to Libya.

The electric chair is no longer the "choice of weapon" shall we say, in the US. There are only 9 states that have the electric chair, along with lethal injection. The person facing execution has the option of which form of execution they want. The remaining states have adopted lethal injection as the only form of execution.

Due Process of Law: When someone is found guilty through a trial, he is given the opportunity to appeal his case. This process of appeal does not only apply to those found guilty of murder. One can have numerous appeals. An appeal is granted when a judge determines that there is additional evidence that can be introduced to prove innocence or guilt. Should that trail fail and the person is again found guilty, and at a later date more evidence can qualify for a re-trial, another appeal is granted. People sentenced to death can, with good cause, re-open their case and have a re-trial. When a guilty person can no longer provide solid evidence to support his case, then he has exhausted the appeal process. Up until the time of execution, and this is where lawyers work their hardest, a stay of execution can be granted at the very last minute by the Governor of that state, if the lawyers were able to produce additional evidence, which has to be substantially strong.

On the subject of execution, remember the pedophile who was found guilty for the murder of a young boy? In 2011, he was shot by a firing squad.

In the US, a total of 19 people were tried in absentia. There have been many other cases, where defendants were available. There are several reasons for going forward without the defendant present: defendant was disruptive during the trial, defendant fled, defendant waived his right to be present to name a few. The US does not waste the time of the courts by allowing any random case to go to trial in absentia.

The US justice system isn't perfect, but there is due process of law, giving both sides an opportunity to be present and to present their case. If I had to be tried anywhere it would be there. Second to the US would be the UK.

If you found yourself in a legal situation what country would you want to be tried in because you believe the judicial system is nothing less than FAIR???

You assuming and passing judgment on the US legal system is like me telling you how to tune an engine, for which I don't know diddly about. And please don't correct me about the legal system I have grown up with and worked within.

Woah ! All of this for nothing. My bad in the first line what I really meant was in finacial cases 99.9% are in jail because of bounced cheques not the total prison population. They have so many of such inmates there is now a special wing which houses them where they don't mix with the general population.

The other entire novel you wrote is totally because you didn't get it. My point was just to show, no where is perfect where even sometimes innocent people have also been executed never did I say the the system is here is better or even equal. Doesn't take much to offend an American it seems.

-- Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:52 pm --

herve wrote:For the $30M, i delivered a state of the art factory, this is an undisputed fact, then I got fired, the 2 replacements CEO's who followed me, failed, and 2 years later after i left , DW closed down the factory. It s a little too easy to blame me.

How long before you got fired that DW accused of pocketing 5mil

herve wrote:You will not see anytime soon any manufacturing in the UAE, no cars, no planes, no appliances.
Speaking of senseless investment, how about the QE2, $100M for a rusty peice of junk full of asbestos. Barneys, $300M loss, City center close to a billion loss.

This has nothing to dow with anything a lot of people and co's made bad investments many were good before the economic crisis set it, so really none of this is relevant here.

herve wrote:How many times do i have to tell you , that a US court went over DW's evidence, and ruled that i Did not take a single dollar.

The court also went over all your evidence and found there was no abuse of process. Your biggest beef and accusation and basically what your entire story is based and revolves around. Without this you have no leg to stand on and it just becomes a matter of civil dispute and some silly suing and counter suing which happens all across the globe on a daily basis. More suited to the court of Judge Judy.

herve wrote:It is not about the money benjw, it s about fronting DW, exposing their lies. In my Dubai case SABS ' name was not even mentionned, but the US court dragged his @ss in the US for a deposition because he was responsible.

Well we can say there was lies from both sides then.

A federal jury in Florida has found that a former French intelligence officer ]was in breach of contractin a failed recreational submarine venture with a powerful Dubai conglomerate......All of Jaubert's claims were rejected ... z1FqmO9Io3
Not to mention the sum awarded to DW.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 07, 2011
Whoa to you!!! I had to laugh as how you referred to your own post as "nothing". You are absolutely right, it is empty. You keep going on and on don't you? And it's the same dribble. Can't you find or say something that hasn't already been said or provided in other links? I guess I overwhelmed you with all that information. Apparently you still don't get "due process of law". You didn't offend me/the US. How can I be offended by someone's ignorance?? I get offended when someone insults my intelligence.

From your link you failed to post:

Dubai World countersued, claiming it lost $31 million because of fraud and other wrongdoing by Jaubert.

Yup. Claiming, not proving - no reward by the jury or the judge. Logice would dictate that being award $340,000 from a defunct company isn't exactly a victory when you consider that they paid their lawyers $8 million for nothing. :lol: :lol:
Bora Bora
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 07, 2011
The court also went over all your evidence and found there was no abuse of process. Your biggest beef and accusation and basically what your entire story is based and revolves around. Without this you have no leg to stand on and it just becomes a matter of civil dispute and some silly suing and counter suing which happens all across the globe on a daily basis. More suited to the court of Judge Judy.

Ah well now I know where you are getting your legal knowledge from :roll: I rest my case :D :D :D Carry on watching the reruns DDS and leave the real life stuff to those who understand LOOOL

Stop laughing Herve!
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 07, 2011
Govts, regimes, firms, people have gone way over what was at stake finacially for the sake of reputation and credibilty, so nothing new there, other than your totally irrelevant mini novel which was as informative as a door knob and just as boring.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 07, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Govts, regimes, firms, people have gone way over what was at stake finacially for the sake of reputation and credibilty, so nothing new there, other than your totally irrelevant mini novel which was as informative as a door knob and just as boring.

Theres only one knob here, munchkin!

-- Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:33 am -- ... -update-2/

March 02, 2011

Dubai World Corporation lost on all 5 counts stated in its civil complaint against Palm Beach resident Herve Jaubert yesterday in the Federal Court, District of Southern Florida. Dubai World had sued Mr. Jaubert for breach of contract, fraudulent representation regarding his abilities as an expert submarine designer, negligent representation regarding same, breach of fiduciary duty and conversion. The jury found that Mr. Jaubert was not liable under any of these counts and found in Mr. Jaubert’s favor.

The civil action mirrored similar criminal charges that had been leveled against Mr. Jaubert in Dubai in 2009; the Dubai court found Mr. Jaubert guilty in absentia and sentenced him to 5 years imprisonment. George Dalton, Dubai World’s chief counsel, had stated in an interview in September, 2009, that he was confident that a US Court would return a similar verdict against Mr. Jaubert. This confidence was misplaced as the jury returned an opposite verdict to what Mr. Dalton assumed.

The jury also found that Mr. Jaubert’s abuse of process claim against Dubai World was not supported by the evidence provided.

Mr. Jaubert, following the jury’s verdict, stated, “I have been completely exonerated and vindicated by the jury’s decision. The case in Dubai was clearly baseless and without merit.

The judge had earlier ruled that Seahorse Submarines Int’l Inc. was liable for not completing 2 submarines it had contracted to sell to Dubai World subsidiaries. Although it had been verbally agreed by Seahorse and Dubai World to complete the submarines in Dubai, once Mr. Jaubert was in Dubai, Dubai World chairman Sultan bin Sulayem told him to work on other projects. As Mr. Jaubert did not get this direction in writing, Seahorse was found liable by the court.

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 07, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Govts, regimes, firms, people have gone way over what was at stake finacially for the sake of reputation and credibilty, so nothing new there, other than your totally irrelevant mini novel which was as informative as a door knob and just as boring.

Awwww, sorry I bored you. I guess saying it bored you was easier than saying: I can't grasp it. Fortunately for you, you will never have to go to any expense for the sake of your reputation and credibility. :lol: :lol:

Looking for another mini-series similar to that on your experience on getting your driver's license renewed. :alien:

-- Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:20 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:Govts, regimes, firms, people have gone way over what was at stake finacially for the sake of reputation and credibilty, so nothing new there, other than your totally irrelevant mini novel which was as informative as a door knob and just as boring.

Awwww, sorry I bored you. I guess saying it bored you was easier than saying: I can't grasp it. Fortunately for you, you will never have to go to any expense for the sake of your reputation and credibility. :lol: :lol:

Looking for another mini-series similar to that on your experience on getting your driver's license renewed. :alien:
Bora Bora
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