And so many own goals scored!

Perhaps this calls for a little easing of all the tension and drama. And it is in this spirit that I tell the following joke:
This old farmer has a pet rooster sitting on his shoulder that goes with him wherever he goes. One day he decides to go for a movie, but the ticket attendant turns him away telling him that no animals are allowed inside the theater. So the farmer goes round the corner and stuffs the rooster inside his overalls. He goes inside and gets a seat besides two nice old ladies, Marge and Mildred. Halfway through the movie, one lady turns to her friend and whispers in her ear "Marge, I think this man next to us is a pervert! He has got his 'thing' out of his trousers!" And her friend says, "Just enjoy the movie Mildred. At our age we have seen 'em all."
And Mildred says, "You don't understand. Its eating my popcorn..............."