Some of the so called super injunctions issued by the Courts recently include a gagging order which prevented the revelation of photographs of Jemima Khan and Jeremy Clarkson, now there's a mix!, and the revelation of an affair between Gabby Logan and Alan Shearer. (Anyone who is familiar with English football knows that Alan Shearer, whilst a bloody good footballer, is a bloody boring person, so I'm not surprised she wanted to keep that quiet!)
An anonymous blogger on twitter has recently wrecked the gagging orders by posting a list of the celebrities who have recently obtained injunctions.
By last night, an estimated 2 million people had been forwarded the list, which claimed to expose confidential details of the private lives of a married premiership footballer, two actors and a celebrity chef. Media outlets are supposed to be prevented from disclosing their names by a series of super-injunctions, which prevent them from being identified.
The first individual named on the website was a married Premiership footballer who allegedly had an affair with Imogen Thomas, the former Big Brother contestant. It was claimed the “highly paid” player, described by his agent as a “family man”, has been having a six-month affair with the former Miss Wales.
An actor who obtained a privacy injunction after cheating on his wife with a prostitute was also identified. He had found it increasingly difficult to keep his name a secret after Helen Wood told a newspaper that he had paid her £195 for s.e.x. Wayne Rooney, the England footballer, previously paid Miss Wood £1,000 for an encounter. I wouldn't care, she's nowt to write home about and not a patch on Coleen!
Oh dear! Is nothing sacred? With twitter and Facebook, is there any privacy left? ... rders.html