The Point Of No Return!

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The Point of No Return! Aug 12, 2011
Have you ever heard the phrase?
I think people in aviation may be familiar with it. Perhaps it was coined during the 40's by pilots. It refers to the point in time and distance when it is no longer possible to abort a take-off as the Jumbo or the Airbus trundles down the run-way. Beyond the PNR, it would be impossible to bring the aircraft to a stop, even if there is an engine failure, and it must continue and attempt to be airborne, whatever the consequences.
Perhaps this happens in many human lives too. A sequence of events, one leading to another, and before you know it, you are at the PNR!
Have you ever had a PNR in your life? Perhaps marriage is one such event as you take those vows. You know that there will probably be no turning back. You can move forward, but never back.
Or your decision to embark on a certain profession.
In the lives of countries too, a PNR is reached. Certain policies can have far reaching implications, decades later.
Do you think perhaps it would be a good idea to watch out for the PNR in an individual life, or the life of a Nation? Whatever corrective measures maybe required can be taken before you reach the PNR! Beyond that you carry on! Regardless.

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Re: The Point of No Return! Aug 12, 2011
I've reached the point of no return more times than I care to remember Zonker. And I've enjoyed every minute of the ride. :D I can highly recommend it.
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Re: The Point Of No Return! Aug 12, 2011
Well I am very glad you have been so lucky BM, and enjoyed every minute of the ride.
Many of us lesser mortals have not been as fortunate, I am afraid. I have actually been on a plane one of whose engines was on fire at the PNR. I felt helpless and trapped. An analogy that can be extended to real life.
I was just hoping you would share the experience of one of those "rides" that you enjoyed so much! :D
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Re: The Point Of No Return! Aug 12, 2011
zonker wrote:Well I am very glad you have been so lucky BM, and enjoyed every minute of the ride.
Many of us lesser mortals have not been as fortunate, I am afraid. I have actually been on a plane one of whose engines was on fire at the PNR. I felt helpless and trapped. An analogy that can be extended to real life.
I was just hoping you would share the experience of one of those "rides" that you enjoyed so much! :D

Well I'm sorry to hear of your ghastly experience Zonker, I've never been helpless nor trapped anywhere, except when the door handle came of the school toilet door when I was 6. It was a character building moment, which has left me empowered to deal with any situation.

I'm afraid I can't share with you, on a public forum, any details of my experiences, only to say I've been a very lucky girl, very lucky indeed. :D
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Re: The Point Of No Return! Aug 13, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:.......
Well I'm sorry to hear of your ghastly experience Zonker, I've never been helpless nor trapped anywhere, except when the door handle came of the school toilet door when I was 6. It was a character building moment, which has left me empowered to deal with any situation.

I'm afraid I can't share with you, on a public forum, any details of my experiences, only to say I've been a very lucky girl, very lucky indeed. :D

I like the way you have put it BM :lol:
Anyways...........there is PM! :mrgreen:
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