The Need To Write

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The need to write Apr 21, 2021
My life in UAE sucks
this is my thirteenth year
and it is the luckiest one.
At the edge of madness
you see me strong
I am just patient for too long.
Studying Arabic for ages
I didn’t get it yet,
all they teach; who is kafer,
and they are not.
I miss my misguided sufis
I love them with my heart
Salafis don’t be worried
your aqidah is mine.
Don’t blow me up,
nor chop my head

I will give you donation
once I would have.
If you could unite
in some Salufi mix
maybe i could fit for once.
This world is not for me
Please send me to Mars
moonwalking is my fun.
Introduce me to the one
that does not try to get rich
overnight. None?
I am done!

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 265

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Re: The Need To Write May 13, 2021
Eid Mubarak Palestinians

We don’t see you,

we don’t hear you,

as if we don’t care;

but we are just afraid.

If we come there

nobody will hear us,

as we never heard,

we are just afraid.

If we leave kids

orphans to become,

for orphans we didn’t care,

we are just afraid.

If we bothered to come;

first group will run away,

second group will follow,

we are just afraid.

Stick to malaika,

ask Allah to care,

Once the third group will come,

we are not afraid.

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 265

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