The programme has been focusing on the Masoods of late. You may remember I wrote about them a while ago, asking if they were the most dysfunctional Muslim family.
I'm going to do a Shafique and repost my post so you can refresh your memory as to the state of play when Masood binned mrs Masood by telling her she was divorced three times.
PS just ignore the arguing after my post, everyone had seen their arse at that point in time

That feels weird reposting your own post! Anyway I digress!
Well, after Masood binned Zainab, she got back with the evil Dr Khan! My, he turned out to be evil! I thought he was quite dashing at first, with his Armani suits but that glint in his eye had turned evil of late! He remarried Zainab in her front room and as soon as he put a ring on it, he started giving her a back hander. The pig! She spent more time on the floor after he had battered than she did in the kitchen knocking a curry up! Poor Zainab!
There was a bit of opposition to that marriage from her middle son Tamwar. He reckoned that, because he was married to the Doctors daughter, and the Doctor was married to his mother, it was like, incest in Islam

The Doctor told him that was a load of shite and he seemed happy with that. The wedding went ahead.
Well it finally dawned on the thick Zainab that she had made a big mistake (again) How many times do you have to marry the same man before it sinks in? It turns out that the good Doctor had set fire to her the first time round when he claimed she disrespected his family. No harm done as he put the fire out and they both had matching scars.
Well tonight he pulled the same stunt again when he set fire to Masood.
I'm not sure why, as I fell asleep last night and missed the ending, but earlier someone had seen Mrs Khan kiss Mr Masood and told the Doctor! He was pretty pissed off as you can imagine.
Tonights opener saw Masood and the Doc in a bedroom having a scrap and as Masood went to leave the Doc bashed Masoods face on the door frame. Maz was knocked unconcious and the Doc poured petrol all over the bedroom and set it alight.
Luckily this took place in the B&B and there was a Christmas party going on downstairs. Thankfully the fire was noticed and extinguished before anyone was burned to death.
The party carried on at the Vic (the pub) but some main characters stayed behind at the B&B.
The fire had caused some electrical damage and when everyone thought everything was hunky dory didn't the B&B explode into flames! Jesus Mary and Joseph! What next?
Well everyone poured back onto the street to watch it burn and Zainab was passed herself as Masood was still in there! Then that bloody evil Dr Khan showed his face and she flew at him. You bastard (she said) your daughter is in there too! (she wasn't and Zainab, who was his daughters Mother in Law, knew that). The Doctor ran into the burning house. Tamwar turned up and he followed the Doc into the B&B. Now Zainab really did turn the tears on. She'd sent her own son into a burning building to look for his wife who was really in the Argy Bargy.
Anyway the Fire Brigade finally turned up about 15 minutes later. It must be the cutbacks in local services that caused the delay.
Masood had tried to save the Doc but to no avail. The Doc's daughter turns up and is screaming outside and he hears her voice! The camera pans in and the floor collapses! Good riddance Dr Khan!
Masood gets out, there is a bit of a wait and Tamwar staggers out in flames. He collapses to the ground and so does his mother. He is still wearing his glasses though.
We have to wait till tomorrow night to see what happens. Poor old Zainab, this will defo send her over the edge.
Christmas with the Masoods! Awsome!