The Monkeys

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The monkeys Jul 21, 2009
Scientists brought 5 monkeys and put them in a cage with a latter leading to bananas ! and when ever 1 goes up to eat one of those bananas the Scientists splashed the rest of the monk monkeys with cooled water , so the monkeys kept going up the latter and the Scientists kept splashing them , the monkeys got sick of the splashing and starting beating any monkey that tries to go up for the bananas … then the Scientists replaced one of the 5 monkeys ,of course the new guy does not know what is happening ,so he climbed … and got beaten by the others !! why ? he has no clue then the Scientists again replace one more of the old ones by a new one and came as a surprise to the Scientists, the first one that was replaced started beating the seconds one for no reason !! just because the others were beating him ,.. To make sure the Scientists got it right they replaced a 3rd one and yes the replaced 2 monkeys started beating him just bcz the others are doing so …

I guess this is the case with human. They just do or say what the ones before them were doing…….or they are real monkeys :lol:

Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 21, 2009
Is this real or are you just trying to make a point?
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jul 21, 2009
bushra21 wrote:Is this real or are you just trying to make a point?

it is real ..
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 21, 2009
It's true...

If you observe the many things people do, the only reason for them to do that is that their ancestors had been doing the same.

Does this ring any bell????????? No. I won’t go into details.

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