Being the nosey git I am, I was just wondering what everybody got up to at the weekend...hence the rather aptly named 'how was your weekend' thread! I guess I should start the ball rolling with my own rather dismal account. Here goes:
Went to Benihana for the special eat-all-you-can sushi/sashimi buffet. Really disappointed, quality has gone right down imo.
Umm, what else? Oh yeah, went to Pizza Corner (the one near Ascot Hotel) for the first time ever even though the place has been open for 34 years - Dubai's oldest pizzeria apparently. Cheap and cheerful, no frills, felt good to give the finger to the fascist pizza establishment and give the little man a break.
Topped off the weekend by going to one of my favorite little back-alley dives, located somewhere off Al Rigga Rd, and spent the night listening to some remarkable live music and watching some exceedingly funny antics and goings-on in general...
...I'm suddenly scared to say which establishment, I think I'll leave it there...