The Collapse Of Dubai’s Once-booming Construction Industry 2

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The collapse of Dubai’s once-booming construction industry 2 Aug 17, 2009
Building collapses in Dubai
DUBAI // Falling glass and cracking walls provided enough warning for 21 workers to reach safety before a large section of a building under construction in Deira collapsed
t Dubai Police confirmed that the contractor of the commercial complex had been taken into custody after a part of the six-storey building collapsed on to the busy road heading to Sharjah. The rest of the structure remains intact.

It had been expected to be open for business by next week, workers said yesterday.
Brig Anas al Matroushi, the deputy director of the general department of rescue and operations, said at the scene that the contractor was being questioned and the cause of the collapse investigated.....

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Aug 17, 2009
LIES. its all LIES I tell you....

This is nothing more than Zionist propoganda. This building is in Egypt and they photoshopped it into Diera ...... I know - my uncle he tell me from his zionist prison cell. It is a CIA plot just like the moon landings, & to prove it I will tell you the US Secretary of the Treasury was in Dubai last week. QED ha up yours !

I clever so much am me
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