Test Your I.Q And Post Your Results :)

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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
You see, everybody can alter with these results if you use another email address and do a second attempt. Its doesn't have any credibility as far as I'm concerned.

I reviewed the answers for my 21 questions yesterday evening. I just figured to try another email. My short term memory works fine hon. 8)

The 1 error was a question like this: 4,5,8,17,44,....

I forgot to add 44 on top of 81 (3 x 27) to reach 125. Crap happens. :wink:

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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
Well ofcourse they are not very credible and wont get you into mensa or anything but a rough gauge. Even if you cheat your not fooling anybody but yourself :D And your not suppose to take it more than once anyways but biggest factor of all its a bit of fun :D

See how much Fun we are having 8)
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
I have a good gauge too. Consider this with your 118 IQ:

4 errors out of 21 questions answered: 4/21 = 0.19 (19 percent error)
If I would answer 30 questions and extrapolate my error rate: 0.19 x 30 = 5.7 errors (~6).

Would get me 81 percent correct. 125 IQ...

So, I'm close to a minor genius after all. 8)
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
R Gay, my my my what will we do with you after all !
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:R Gay, my my my what will we do with you after all !

I know, gimme a frickin job here :mrgreen:

Ready to proof me wrong (or right) :alien: :wink:
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
RobbyG wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:R Gay, my my my what will we do with you after all !

I know, gimme a frickin job here :mrgreen:

Ready to proof me wrong (or right) :alien: :wink:

Sorry mate, you lost all credibility :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
sage & onion
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
sage & onion wrote:
Sorry mate, you lost all credibility :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I know, I can get any job. Just not the one that I prefer. :wink:
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
RobbyG wrote:
sage & onion wrote:
Sorry mate, you lost all credibility :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I know, I can get any job. Just not the one that I prefer. :wink:

Which would be?
sage & onion
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 18, 2010
sage & onion wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
sage & onion wrote:
Sorry mate, you lost all credibility :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I know, I can get any job. Just not the one that I prefer. :wink:

Which would be?

Two types of entry positions have my focus, but I apply on many others also:

1. Aircraft maintenance planning/liaison role.
2. Air cargo logistics, junior managerial role.

Experience is my problem. Persistence didn't help me much so far. Weighing my other options now.
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 20, 2010
I fail to understand why an IQ test result is dignified with the word 'intelligence’.

The whole concept of a 'general intelligence' is flawed.

I have qualified to be mensa member by taking their test in the States but never bothered to be an active member.

I speak from the perspective of someone who happens to do very well at IQ tests, because my brain happens to work that way.

But I can think of literally dozens of other mental faculties which could equally well be included in the term 'general intelligence' but usually aren't, many of which I happen not to have - an ability with languages, memory for names and faces, social intuition (the ability to understand people's motivations, something my wife's particularly good at), financial acuity, observation, hand-eye coordination, management ability, organization and many others I do to some extent but still don't count for anything - musical appreciation, acting, storytelling, etc. Why should logical reasoning, verbal dexterity and one or two others take precedence? For that matter, why should the ability to use these skills under time pressures also be so important? Of course you can 'measure' IQ - make up some tests and fire away. But does it actually have any real meaning? I doubt it
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 20, 2010
I agree with you Carlin.

Most of the intelligent people (in my opinion) I know, don't agree with the concept of a test. A test merely provides an instant measurement that doesn't allow for a learning curve and other capabilities to become apparent. It is merely used to provide an assessment of a trained and currently active brain to show its tricks.

A University education may provide an insight in the capabilities of a person, but it doesn't say anything about the functional performance of a passioned person in a job, who didn't felt the need to score top ratings in all subjects of the Uni curriculum.

In South Korea and other parts of Asia, there are youngsters that fight to receive 90 percent ratings and higher for every test. If they end up with an excellent 80 percent they feel inferior. The competition between Asians is enormous. But thats what you get if you have millions of youngsters fighting for a place in a good University that only allows for e.g. 1000 students every semester.

Not healthy if you ask me. Some even resort to suicide because of this competitive nature. Insane pressure.
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
Um...I got 140 straight out the box. Does that make me Mental?

Apparently my strength is in Verbal...so I will take that as an excuse to verbally abuse anyone who says I am a thickie! Chinese burns behind the bike sheds to all you lesser mortals!

:D :D :D

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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
Clearly a mental case. You're well excused.

I once had a psychological test, with a flight medical evaluation, and that shrink said to me afterwards: Congratulations, you are declared 'happily disturbed' ...(hope that is the correct english translation for it)

Glad I have a companion in you DK. ;)
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
Having had the same pilots 'Psych Evaluation' I was informed that I had 'Good spatial awareness' and 'Ability to work out complex problems quickly'.

I took that as meaning I was able to get spaced out faster!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
Dammit DK, you missed your space flight out. Next year, last shuttle!

Hurraayyy, you can still catch it. :D
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
No problem. I am not from this planet anyway...earthling!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
At this time of hour, we cannot argue about earthlings anylonger. I am considered 'elevated' now. :D
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
Full analytical report for Anna Emilia

General statistics

Total number of questions: 30
Questions answered: 30
Questions not answered: 0
Questions answered correctly: 27
Questions answered incorrectly: 3
Percentage correct answers: 90 %

Your age adjusted IQ score is 132 and the average score for all test takers is 100.

Your Grade ** Gifted **

Anyone with a general IQ this high is considered to be gifted. You have the ability to think critically, conceptualize ideas and form your own conclusions. Your ability to think in patterns and to produce order out of chaos enables you to handle complexities and see logic in everything. Needless to say you are self-aware of your abilities and have the brains for all known occupations. If you think of intelligence as the ability to adapt easily to new situations then you are at the top of the charts.


Well, I certainly didn't expect that haha
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
You a hottie hon. Brainwise ;)
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Re: Test your I.Q and post your results :) Apr 21, 2010
Haha, why thank you
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