Dillon wrote:symmetric wrote:Thats my new theme, I don't take back nor regret anything. I'm the same Sym you all know.
Love, hatred, Peace, War, will always be present, no one can stop it, but to be anything but a human being.
C'est la vie, and I think, if we can keep people busy communicating with each other with regard to cultural aspects of the different civilizations that resemble the human kind/race, then that'll keep them busy from politics and all its consequences.
kanelli wrote:If Symmetric is reconsidering the hatred he feels towards Israel and Jews I think it is a good thing. Trying to focus on humanity as a whole and let go of hatred that makes one feel like whole groups of people need to die is a good thing. People can change.
Well I personally wish he would change! but if you read Symm’s ‘declaration’, he's not reconsidering the hatred he harbours for others, and letting go of anything, he’s confirmed there are no changes in his racist, supremacist, political opinions, he has provided content guidelines for anyone on DF who wish to communicate with him and a veiled threat for consequences of political discussion! How sick is that!

So unless he has issued a second ‘declaration’ I haven’t seen, sadly, nothing much has changed.
Announcing a change in one’s ‘Theme’, indicates there is some doubt or reservation over their previous ‘Theme’, but then this is immediately rejected in the first line of his ‘declaration’. Symm will be judged by his peers on DF as we all will, I have yet to witness any endearing qualities in any of his personalities, a declaration of intention means absolutely nothing unless it’s backed up with some sincere action and I look forward to that.
Dillon, I guess I made my statement a bit random, thus let me clarify it.
I don't take back, nor regret sharing the views I posted earlier which reflects the common/regular/general thoughts of the Middle East, North African, and Muslim World nations. I refuse to be a hypocrite and lie about it. And likewise, the Zionists and Jews got similar views towards our side. This is the truth, now whether you accuse me or others (be it Muslims or Jews) who admit it, of being hateful racists, then thats your personal opinion, and you're entitled to it. Feel free to judge.
Thats why I said, Love-Hatred-War-Peace will always be present and will never stop for as long as the human race is colonizing this planet. I don't want to sound cheesy, but thats how I view it.
Thus, to keep myself away from all this disturbing non-stopping loop, I chose to completely avoid politics that drags it all.
FYI, I was doing masters in Political Sciences (Inter'l Relations), and I have dropped it already.
I do recognize hatred as an illness, and I want to cure my spirit from it.
I don't seek your satisfaction, nor please anyone else in DF. I just want peace of mind.
I kindly ask you not to manipulate with my thoughts, and just look at the bright side.
I don't need to type down an apology letter to anyone. Rather I should apologize to myself for polluting my spirit with such hatred. I don't want to have any opinion about any political conflict.
I'll just hope to see more people smiling in this world, regardless if they were Muslims, Jew, Arab, Israeli, European, Iranian, African, Asian, etc. Thats my approach and theme.