So I am supposed to be going to a 'corporate' function on Thursday night...I am all set for an evening of boring interaction with people I don't know...turn up at home and find a whole buch of DF reprobates and certain undesirables all hiding in my sitting room in the dark and dressed in pyjamas!
Modhesh? Nah! Just a bunch of perverts!
A big thanks to all of you who made my birthday one to remember! I had absolutely no idea and was totally hoodwinked!
For those of you who missed it, we had jelly (VERY strange flavour...sort of like vodka!) and sweets and lots and lots of nice things and a big cake...that I somehow ended up face down in! Some of you may remember the whole evening...but I am sure there were one or two for whom the end of the proceedings became a little 'blurred'! Don't worry...there are photographs!
The usual suspects need mentioning:
Lloydy, Cargirl, Princess Banana Hammock, Wafaey, the Big Picture... but also a big thanks to Constantine, Thorntonashley, Fayz, Ian, Scarlet and Kanelli, whose birthday it was a double celebration! Even Nosher was there although he did not need to dish out any warnings! Spycee69 would have made it if his wheelchair would have gone up the stairs to the villa, but he did a good job of delaying me upon request!
Be warned...I shall have my revenge! Cargirl has yet to find out how evil I can be, but she will soon! Teddy had a good time...a VERY good time!
Thanks one and all! Hope the hangovers have gone now!

An older and wiser Knight!