Stress Management 2

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Stress management 2 Apr 27, 2009
The Stress management thread that was recently posted here got my attention !!and I started thinking and this is not in defend of this country or any in this case but the way I see it is that it isn't Dubai that got a dark side but it is a person mind that has one !

The majority only looks at the dark side of things, now if it's only to release stress then it's fine but if it's a habit then I believe the person got mental issues that needs to be dealt with .

I will not deny a couple of issues that has been discussed here but it appears to me that people now only seeks bad news and put an effort to dig deep to find it, and win they do it's like they struck gold for good sack and jump out of happiness .

My concern here is again a person personality that may lead him \her into a mental disorder but hey if it's only bashing that happens around Df then it's fine but if it's how you think and see things then the following specialist opinion may apply on you :

" Negativity can be a sign of a mental disorder, but not necessarily. In some instances, negativity is a sign that the person is functioning in a hostile, abusive environment.
However, you also describe your friend as disorganized, complaining and joyless. These certainly are signs of serious depression.
Depression robs a person of the energy it takes to put their life in order. The depressed person doesn’t want to be tired and lack initiative. They simply are. Unfortunately, a depressed, negative attitude is self-defeating. The person expects failure and disappointment and consequently fails to take the steps necessary to succeed.
Depression is a serious disorder and you, as a friend, can do little to alter it. Suggest to your friend that he seek professional help. Medication and psychotherapy have been proven to be very effective for depression.
The best approach to being with your friend is to be yourself and say what is true for you. It may help a depressed person to seek help if they realize that not everyone sees the world in the same gloomy way."
Patricia Boever, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Creative Change, LLC
Webster Groves, MO 63119

We all went throw this phase in life at least ones, god knows I did. But I finally realized it's was pointless and useless and held me back from going on with my life and realized that I need a wake up call from this mental stage and a smack in this face to get up and do something about it rather than going nuts.

People there is more in life than looking at others mistakes , do not spend it being depressed, give happiness a share and seek a bright side ones in a while.

Please, do not consider my statement as a personal attack on anyone. It is just a friendly advice.

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