This man is not normal definitely! What is he thinking...What death!!....Me and my kids were training for years as professionals and never had to sign such bull*it.
And this is the trainer that in past year let fat boy wrestle with the thin one and the fat jumped and took down by his body mass the thin on the floor and broke his arm.
This man does not care for anyone or anything. Is this even legal in UAE??? Anyone knows?
Every sport has its rules and safety protocol and rules shall never be broken. But this man does not care to wight wrestlers before fight, but put random boys just for fun to see what will happen.
And thin boy was doing karate, which trainer mocked (as he himself has taekwondo background) and wanted to proof it useless, so he let fat boy wrestle the thin one and let him jump on the boy with all his fat body mass.
Second part to guilty guys:
The Judgment day will be full of surprises definitely!
With all ties and money guys*, you can escape the justice on this world, but Allah's judgement is awaiting.
No blood money offer will save you, as Allah does not accept worldly currency there.

You know that we many know...and you know that we cannot go against you as you are too powerful, but we know that Allah will judge you and expose you in front of ENTIRE UMMAH. Now you can hide from few people, but there you will not be able to hide from the entire ummah from Adam a.s. until last man!
Nauthubillah. Is it worth it your freaking reputation?