what you missed:
-The grand nominations on DF for Miss/Mr. DF title.
- Exciting Polls every Thursday, which were so much fun and created lot of anticipation, you missed all of that. What a feather.
-A lot of praise (crap) said for fellow members on threads like person above you, below you, on your right, on your left.
-All the shit that was discussed by us ladies in the ladies forum which we were so proud of and was hidden and then it was all over the general forums. You missed making fun of all of us, having discussions such as trying to hide scars, weight phobia, ugly men and so on
-You missed the bashing (entire forumer’s did that!) on your fav choco cause she refused entry to your fav. freza in the Ladies lounge.
-Bashing on your papa arnieG cause he was unintentionally being biased.
-Avtar war, where to draw the line?
-Bushra’s love for another female member.
-cant update you with S&O and concords love for eachother, I still don’t know what happened.
-Also, you missed why “Maaads skills of getting girls easily” was a subject of so much anxiety by everyone.
-& how could you not be part of “Too old to be a virgin?”!!!!! or “s.e.x vs relationship”
-We missed you in times of crises... like the valkrie or B_lady and other occasions....
Welcome back HP!
You were missed