Yes, DD, I did let the cat out of the bag.

Never mind! It's all good in BM land.
You are probably right, our LL/tenant agreement would be a newsworthy item in Dubai as it is non existant!
I don't even know your surname!
The way I see it, what's the point in going thro all that paperwork when if you'd decided to do the dirty on me what could I have done about it anyway? You seemed a straight forward person and I'm no bullshitter so it was a win win situation for us both. I didn't even take a deposit (mostly because I knew I would blow it on something frivolous LOL and would now be regretting my new handbag or whatever!).
What a shame some other LL's can't be more trusting. I have to say I've rented over 4 winters now and never had a problem, except for the Indians. Never again! The place was filthy.
The story went a bit like this, I rented it through an advert on JBRcommunity. They paid 3 months in advance with a deposit. The rent was aed42,000 for 3 months. At the end of the 3 months they wanted to continue on a much reduced rent. I was open to this arrangement but not at the rate they were suggesting so I terminated their agreement. They were due to be out of the 8th of December. I sent a few emails to see what was happening with no reply so I hopped on a plane and arrived on the 15th (my birthday). I opened the door to the flat and my heart sank.....
Someone was still in residence. I thought they were in bed. I crept in with my eyes shut, there was no-one in bed, thank God, but someone had been sleeping in my bed with out any sheets!
I went back into the living room. There was a tub of Ben & Jerry's on my lovely dining table, defrosted with a spoon in it. The sink was full of dirty dishes and pans (I have a fully funcional dishwasher!).
I ventured into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and all I saw was spit, all over my huge mirror.
I was seriously not amused. I phoned my Emirati friend for advice. He told me to phone them and tell them if they weren't there within 30 minutes with a maid I was phoning the police.
I made the call and was told he was in a meeting, I mentioned the police and within 20 minutes he was at the door. 'please let me explain Madam'. Well Madam wasn't up for an explanation and I told him I would be back in 3 hours and if the place wasn't immaculate I was phoning the Cavalry.
I went down to the pool with my Jeremy Clarkson book and swear to God I never read a word, but placed my sunbed in the line of my balcony and stared.
He came on to the balcony a couple of times but could feel the heat of my retinas burning through his forehead and beat a hasty retreat.
The pace was back to prestine condition within 3 hours and I handed him a bill which I worked out on my phone calculator for the extra days he had been in residence. He was pushed out of the front door with me telling him he'd better be back at 10.30am the next morning with cash, no friggin company cheques, thanks!
He was back to pay my inflated bill and I blew the money in the Chanel shop
From then I prefer to rent on instinct, which has served me well.
Well good luck DD and Mrs DD in your new life away from Dubai. I hope you'll both be very successful and I know you'll both be very happy.
You're welcome back anytime, if you can stand the stink that is