A 2009 Silver Range Rover Super charged with the proper orginal Abu Dhabi code less red plate. Not the newer ones one can buy and have a 3,4,5 code on the them. No 888.
Flying down the Highway must be doing atleast over 160. Right on his tail. Abu Dhabi police merc with the lights flashing. For a second there I thought it was some kind of escort. But then the Range Rover finds a clearing slows down and crosses the 4 lane highway and stops.
The RR was actually being pulled over by the Cops

And this is not an isolated incident. I've seen alot of these heavily tinted 3 or 4 digit cars pulled over and the somekind of exchange going on between the cops and drivers. Sometimes the driver will have a few papers in his hand ( license, registration, fine ? )
Anyways kudos to Abu Dhabi police for seeing beyond the car make and plate number and upholding the law.
Also more cookie points to the AUH copers as I see them having pulled over a lot of rickety trucks drudging along the highway. These things are timebombs waiting to go off.
Even shrapnel from a blown tyre from one of these is enough to cause some serious damage of not fatalities.