High powered air rifles freely available.
I'm going to be shot down here, butI think cat owners are morons. A cat is not a pet, it just comes to you for food and warmth, it would never protect you if you were attacked like your faithful dog would. In fact if your neighbour makes a hard effort to treat a cat better than it's so called 'owner' the cat would just up stakes and move next door, it happens!
Cats sh*t and p*ss all over the neighbourhood (especially the tom-cat pee is vile stinky stuff), and my garden is usually full of feathers and bird bodies where they have killed and mangled some poor bird. They're

ing. If I thought I could one-shot them each time I'd get a gun and do it myself, but I don't want them bleeding all over my garden.
Get a dog or something else you can keep strictly on your own property.
Now I'll put my tin hat on and wait.
(kanelli and the other tiny minority of cat owners who walk their cats on leashes are excluded from this rant)