Somebody Please ……

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Somebody please …… Jun 10, 2010
Scan Herve Jaubert’s book and post it on or rapidshare as a torrent

I really don’t see myself making him richer as he’s sitting very pretty in Florida. 30 usd or 120 dirhams for a book ! Come on Herve you ought to be rotting in Dubai Jail for flogging people with such a price. In your research you should have included pricing comparisons with other so-called thriller titles in borders dubai. Yours is 60 dirhams more than world bestsellers. This makes you more narcissistic than emirati glitterati Bedouins who are your protagonist in your overpriced cynical rant of people swindling from you thus your justification for charging 30 usd for a memoir.

Maximum a person should be paying is 10 USD for an e-book download.

I hope france keep up the pathetic form well into the world cup. There I said it

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Re: Somebody please …… Jun 11, 2010
godsent wrote:Scan Herve Jaubert’s book and post it on or rapidshare as a torrent

I really don’t see myself making him richer as he’s sitting very pretty in Florida. 30 usd or 120 dirhams for a book ! Come on Herve you ought to be rotting in Dubai Jail for flogging people with such a price. In your research you should have included pricing comparisons with other so-called thriller titles in borders dubai. Yours is 60 dirhams more than world bestsellers. This makes you more narcissistic than emirati glitterati Bedouins who are your protagonist in your overpriced cynical rant of people swindling from you thus your justification for charging 30 usd for a memoir.

Maximum a person should be paying is 10 USD for an e-book download.

I hope france keep up the pathetic form well into the world cup. There I said it

Godsend, what s your beef? So, if I understand you are advocating for copyright infringment, then you should be the one in jail.
However if my book was scanned and illegally distributed, it would only spread my message, the truth about Dubai and the story of what I had to do to get out of the claws of these criminals. Even Sage would be against it.
It would promote my warning that Dubai is NOT a good place to be and a place to avoid.
My book received 3 awards, already, so whatever you buy the book for it is worth it.
And it will become a movie, I am working on it.
The news about Dubai are confirming what I wrote about Dubai, almost every week.
I seriously doubt my book is on shelves in Dubai Borders, my book sells at a normal price for a hard cover, pricing is pretty much standard for the publishing industry, I actually have no control over that.
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Re: Somebody Please …… Jun 11, 2010
Yeh What's your beef god?
Poor Herve's only trying to recoup the money that he should have made from selling his submarines to the bloody arabs, who then had the audacity to lock the vault when they realised that they were 80 billion in the red.
Its not like he's in a mansion in Florida, living off the money that he allegedly took is it??? cough cough cough.
No No herve, I believe you, You are innocent.
But you are very lucky that you managed to somehow abandon the sinking submarine, instead of getting taken down with it.

BTW godsent, you can get the book from Amazon for $20, but then with postage etc I suppose its a bit much. Or you could always drop into herve and he'll give you a signed copy.
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Re: Somebody please …… Jun 11, 2010
I might be reading herve's book, first because it's about Dubai, second I like thrillers!
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Re: Somebody please …… Jun 11, 2010
more to the point has anyone bought a copy other than the 25 herve bought himself ?

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Re: Somebody please …… Jun 11, 2010
Wishfull thinking arnie..............
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Re: Somebody please …… Jun 12, 2010
Herve, seriously just ignore the 'trolls' they're all just jealous because they'll never get the chance to stick the boot into greedy oiks here.
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Re: Somebody please …… Jun 12, 2010
Guess I won't be getting a copy at the local library then?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Somebody Please …… Jun 13, 2010
The movie idea sounds pretty good.
Not sure about the story as is though herve. You'd have to throw in something like a love interest, maybe a love triangle. Unless this is true, even better!
It would make a good movie doco though, which I would prefer to see. Michael Moore comes to mind. Not sure who made Food Inc, but that is another brilliant doco and does so with credibility, which I must say you are lacking at the moment.
Although, I'm tipping that you will setlle outside court if possible. But then you can't make the movie and court will cost a shed load of money.
5 years doesn't sound to bad to me. 3/4 mill per year ain't bad money. Why not just do the time and make the movie later?
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Re: Somebody please …… Jun 13, 2010
Hey Choc you looking to get a bit-piece role in ‘erves forthcoming movie are you. I wonder what a gal would play in a Sailor movie shot about dubai. :lol:

That would give you something more than the “My friend who is/who knows talk” when you hosting mates of yours in your future barnyard home in Brisbane or somewhere of that sort where I suspect you will immigrate.
You are the brash-thrash chick gone cultured - NOT
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