Chocoholic wrote:Good point RC. I guess it's a tribal attitude at the end of the day, large families mean more people to work. However, at the moment it means more mouths to feed and in places where poverty is rife it comes a bit null and void.
Er... In a Chinese farm for instance, where all agricultural production was based on human muscle job, the males feed themselves. By the way it's the cause of killing female new-borns.
The problem starts when huge human masses from farms start flooding cities, where there are no jobs for them.
-- Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:39 am --
Bora Bora wrote: I would think the UK since the benefits are by far more attractive and very generous. Easy to acclimate to the weather when the payout is so good!!!
Don't worry, darling, there are enough people in deserts to accomodate both England old and new if you generouly give them that opportunity.
As far as I heard Cubans have already conquared Florida and their birth rates is the highest in US. So the result is obviously positive.