Solution To Speeding Problem

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Sep 23, 2008
Xyler wrote:that's what im saying, not only 2500 dhs fined, INPRISONMENT for 1 or 2 years even if it is only jumping for red light, and if they does serious accident resulting to injury or death, LIFETIME INPRISONMENT, coz 2500 dhs is still affordable coz mostly people got really serious accident is a rich people..

So you don't drive then?

:shock: :shock: :shock:


Dubai Knight
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Sep 23, 2008
Xyler wrote:that's what im saying, not only 2500 dhs fined, INPRISONMENT for 1 or 2 years even if it is only jumping for red light, and if they does serious accident resulting to injury or death, LIFETIME INPRISONMENT, coz 2500 dhs is still affordable coz mostly people got really serious accident is a rich people..

1 year jail for running a red light? Wow, that's a bit harsh. You didn't have a hand in writing the UAEs drug trafficking laws did you?
Captain Australia
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Oct 03, 2008
the cameras are there to make money.. not to save lives...FACT

As for speeding, most people do it including me and because i'm on a bike they never see my plate lol.
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Oct 03, 2008
Waqsy wrote:the cameras are there to make money.. not to save lives...FACT

As for speeding, most people do it including me and because i'm on a bike they never see my plate lol.

Well they should, you guys are a menace
sage & onion
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Oct 05, 2008
Waqsy wrote:the cameras are there to make money.. not to save lives...FACT

As for speeding, most people do it including me and because i'm on a bike they never see my plate lol.

Go speeding in Abu Dhabi or Al Ain then...

The cameras take you from behind there. Which is what will also happen to you in jail when they catch you!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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