PV Solar Panels

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PV Solar Panels Jan 26, 2012
Well I thought it better to move this conversation from the Bitcoin thread and start a new one.

Dillon wrote: There are a number of companies offering free installed solar panels, have a look here, http://ashadegreener.co.uk/ad-g1?gclid= ... tAodPFCu6Q The householder gets free electricity offsetting metered consumption for the life of the solar panels, any excess fed back to the grid is credited to the service provider who also claims Voluntary Carbon Credits against their scheme which they can trade on the carbon exchange, householder also saves somewhere between £5,000 and £35,000 on installation costs.

BM wrote: Don't you need sun for solar power? A house in the Uk would need panels the size of a football pitch to generate excess solar power surely?

The PV Solar Panels generate electricity when exposed to photons of sunlight. PV Solar panels do not need to be in direct sunlight, daylight will produce solar energy, this works exponentially; the more sunlight exposure, the more solar energy produced. Therefore PV solar panels are most efficient when tilted towards the sun’s sky track.

A standard solar panel has an area of about 1.2m x 1.8m and will produce between 180 and 250 watts. To produce 1kW of power, 4 to 5 solar panels will be required. Figures show that a 1kW solar array would supply about 25% of an average family's energy demand in a year, this would be classed as a smaller installation, the more panel space available on the roof, the greater return will be seen.

If you wanted to finance the installation yourself and reap all the benefits, typical installation costs would be around £5,000 per KWp, and for a better understanding of potential performance here is an online Photovoltaic Information tool, http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/apps4/pvest.php just fill in the location and details of the proposed installation and the tool returns an estimate of the actual generated power for that installation.


Welcome back BM, what didn't you do this time? :?


Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: PV Solar Panels Jan 26, 2012
Well that was interesting Dillon. I would have thought you needed bright sunlight for the best part of the day to generate any electriciity.

Solar panels are becoming quite the in thing in Britain and the Government wanted to cut the subsidy paid. That decision was over ruled yesterday by the High Court.

The government lost its appeal on Wednesday against a judge's ruling that its cuts to solar power subsidies were illegal, suggesting thousands of homes and businesses will now be able to claim the higher payments.

Three court of appeal judges unanimously rejected the appeal from Chris Huhne, the secretary of state at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc), who said he would be taking the case on to the supreme court. "We want to maximise the number of installations that are possible within the available budget rather than use available money to pay a higher tariff to half the number of installations," he said.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2 ... urt-appeal

--- Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:04 pm ---

Dillon wrote:Welcome back BM, what didn't you do this time?

Not a lot really but it doesn't take much when your name is BM. I'll forward you the link, I'd better not repost it as the spanking machine might make an appearance. :P
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: PV Solar Panels Jan 27, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:Well that was interesting Dillon.

And bless you for your kind words.

:lol: :lol:
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: PV Solar Panels Jan 27, 2012
Dillon wrote:And bless you for your kind words.

You're welcome, my son.

In fact it was so interesting I am going to make enquiries with the lake District Special Planning Board as to the chances of putting solar panels on my Grade 2 listed building. I wonder what the chances are :?:
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: PV Solar Panels Jan 27, 2012
Well good for you BM, you should also consider solar thermal panels for your domestic hot water and save on your rayburn fuel bills during the summer Months, have a look here, http://www.britishgas.co.uk/energy-efficiency/renewable-energy/renewable-energy-solutions/solar-thermal-panels.html?ai_link=PPC_Google
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: PV Solar Panels Jan 27, 2012
I'm thinking wind farm now! Why stick to solar panels? That'll please the neighbours.
wind farm.jpg
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UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: PV Solar Panels Jan 28, 2012
You provide the land and the planning permission BM and I'll sort the windmills out! the manufacturers can't make them fast enough right now.

Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: PV Solar Panels Jan 28, 2012
It's a deal! The land isn't a problem and I'll have to find a planner that can be bribed, that too, shouldn't be a problem. The neighbours will soon get used to the constant woooosh woooosh, after all they've got used to Beth's parties.
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