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Snowboarding May 02, 2006
Has/does anyone/ done/ do this?

I'm going for a discovery lesson at Ski Dubai on Friday, looks like fun, but knowing my luck I'll end up with bruises.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 02, 2006
Not been snowboarding but been in Ski Dubai before, but if you haven't been inside Ski Dubai before-rug up! It is really cold. Make sure you have good gloves.
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May 02, 2006
Snow Boarding is awesome, I use to go all the time years ago, loved it way more than skiing but then again I come from a place where I’m a 40 min drive to the mountains and it snows 7 months out of the year.

Never been to Ski Dubai though but a friend of a friend broke her arm in 3 places so be a bit careful.
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May 02, 2006
:shock: What! Well I guess it's the risk you take with any sport isn't it, will just make sure I'm well padded then.

Can't wait.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 02, 2006
oh, best gear to wear is wrist guards, and A$$ padding ;),

enjoy, hopefully you have a blast.
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May 02, 2006
My arse is padded enough thanks!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 03, 2006
Wrist guards are probably a good idea (not that I wear them myself) but when you fall, you land hard on your hands and it's instinctive to put them out to break your fall. To me it feels like I fall a lot faster and harder compared to skiing (but then I'm not a beginner skier anymore).

I'm still learning snowboarding but finally getting to the point where I'm enjoying it. Have a good time :)...

Oh yeah, gloves would be essential. I don't bother with a hat though.
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May 03, 2006
A classic case where energy is being wasted for the the pursiut of pleasure. Really, snow..! What next, letting muppets run a nuclear power plant for a few bucks?!? Although it's being sold as being more energy efficient than a large office block, somehow I think the Earth is not listening.

Not an environmental kook, just someone who is perhaps wise to how we're all in our own little ways killing the planet slowly with our own ignorance.

I Agree to these terms
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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May 03, 2006
Well I do think that they could have covered the roof of the ski slope with solar panels to help provide the energy for the cooling, it's gotta be costing a fortune to freeze the thing.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 03, 2006
It would be costing a fortune to keep anything cool or cold in Dubai. For that matter, maybe we should discuss keeping the plants etc green in Dubai and so on. We should all probably live in a Bastakiya or tent.
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May 03, 2006
Hose pipe ban?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 03, 2006
I always want to go try out one of these skiing lesson, i heard it is quite fun. How much is it?
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May 03, 2006
Google, ski dubai FeiPo and all the info is there.

The discovery lesson as they call it, which is the trial session is 90Dhs for an hour in a group of upto 10. Very good value if you ask me. The proper lessons are about 130Dhs for an hour which are still very good.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 03, 2006
Gave Ski Dubai a little tester shortly after they opened and as a training facility or a refresher for those who can ski or snowboard already, it does actually offer a nice experience. If you are a very keen skier, you will find it a little limiting and the runs very short...but what the hell, it feels like real snow and skis like real snow! A 2 hour session is long enough to find those muscles that have not been working for a while and rub your shins raw!

Personally, I took a pair of 'Snowblades' that look like little beginner skis but are actually more fun than the big grown up ones when you get into them, and was able to run rings round my snowboarding mates...literally!

I do advise some extra layers though, if you are used to the Dubai climate, -2 degrees can come as a bit of a shock!

Its a 'must do'!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 06, 2006
Whhhooooohooooooo - How cool is that!!!!

I loevd it, although kept falling on my bum and my legs ache like mad today, but for sure going to do more lessons and get on the big slope - wicked fun.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 06, 2006
Still feel you had enough A$$ padding ;)

glad you had a blast, loads of fun especially if you ever have the chance to make it to a real mountain.
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May 06, 2006
i wanna have a try too... maybe next weekend....
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May 06, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Whhhooooohooooooo - How cool is that!!!!

I loevd it, although kept falling on my bum and my legs ache like mad today, but for sure going to do more lessons and get on the big slope - wicked fun.

You're hooked :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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May 06, 2006
geraintindxb wrote:i wanna have a try too... maybe next weekend....

You should, let us know how you enjoy it.
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May 06, 2006
fayz wrote:
geraintindxb wrote:i wanna have a try too... maybe next weekend....

You should, let us know how you enjoy it.

I never tried that before. it must be cool. looking forward to a blast.
but have to watch out my butt. :)
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May 07, 2006
Sounds like you had a blast Choc. It is sooooo cold in there though, isn't it? :D
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May 07, 2006
Actually I think I went over board on the underclothes as I was really hot!

The funny think is trying to walk uphill with one foot attached to the snowboard, I mean heck if you're little like me, you can barely lift the thing with one leg.

Can't wait for the next lesson which is 90 minutes long and will be a killer.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 07, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Hose pipe ban?

Why on Earth would they ban a pleasant cultural thing that has been part of Arab and non-Arab culture from Iraq to Morocco for many many years??

It is like saying that the UK should ban beer and pubs... RIDICULOUS!
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May 07, 2006
Liban wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Hose pipe ban?

Why on Earth would they ban a pleasant cultural thing that has been part of Arab and non-Arab culture from Iraq to Morocco for many many years??

It is like saying that the UK should ban beer and pubs... RIDICULOUS!

??? Sounds like you're talking about shisha. But "hose pipe ban" sounds like watering the garden type hoses - a hose pipe ban is implemented sometimes in summer when there's a water shortage.
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May 07, 2006
Liban wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Hose pipe ban?

Why on Earth would they ban a pleasant cultural thing that has been part of Arab and non-Arab culture from Iraq to Morocco for many many years??

It is like saying that the UK should ban beer and pubs... RIDICULOUS!

Hehehehe Liban, no you've got it wrong, it was a joke as in the UK they ban people from using hoses (hose pipes) to water their garndens in the summer to stop water shortages.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 20, 2006
Whoohooo! As Homer would say! Went for the second lesson and got onto the bigger slope - how much fun is that!!!!!

Ache all over like mad, but so much fun. I'm really surprised at how easy it is to pick up once you have the balance sorted, although there were a few scary moments as I was flying backwards down the slope.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 20, 2006
It certainly looks and sounds like great fun - definately going to have to have a go next time I'm in Dubai!!!
Good on you Chocs!! I'll try skiing before boarding!
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Jan 24, 2007
wow, no one added to this post in 8 months!

i have has 2 lessons, the discovery and the beginner, and they took me on the big slope (oo er) on my 2nd lesson! after the hour the instructor left (as there was only 2 of us in the group) and we could just go up anddown for another 30 mins.

i guess im a level 1 now, but i will have to check their web site, as if u go on the full slope on your 2nd lesson, i dont have the confidence yet to go on it alone, after just 2 lessons.

i saw a mega crash while i was there, skii's flew everywhere, guys laying in pain, didntlook nice!

i really hury my backside too, it was 2 weeksago and i still cant dosit ups without feeling the cocsic (is that how u spell it?)

well, i go alone as im new in dubai, but if anyone wants to meet up and go for a blast sometime, get intouch! i will be there onfriday morning i thing for another attempt
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Jan 24, 2007
I'm a fairly seasoned snowboarder (have done numerous o/s trips etc) and just HAD to try out ski dubai when we arrived. I think its fantastic for beginners, practise, excercise etc, but does get a bit boring as its fairly short, flat & not too challenging - i wouldnt expect anything more from an indoor ski slope though, but it was heaps of fun...and now i can say I've boarded in the desert! :)

And, I'd be the first one signed up if there were a DF get together at ski dubai! :lol:
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Jan 24, 2007
I've snowboarded in Switzerland and Germany before (have bruises to prove it), but haven't tried Ski Dubai yet. Has anyone tried Ski Dubai that has been on a regular slope before? How does it compare? I guess just the experience of being able to ski in Dubai automatically gives bonus points...
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