UK - Smokers Days Are Numbered

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UK - Smokers days are numbered Feb 15, 2006
I think this is great! I hope more countries follow this example pretty shortly. I'm telling ya, smokers will become a dying breed, quite literally - it's such a filthy habit!


SMOKING is to be BANNED in pubs and clubs within 18 months after a vote by MPs tonight.
The ban means that pubs will be smoke-free, along with private clubs, cinemas, offices, factories and public transport.

Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt backed the full ban in a free Commons vote. And she was supported by both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

There was a majority of 200 for the ban in a vote of 384 to 184.

The result was greeted with loud cheers in a crowded Commons chamber.

Ms Hewitt said the ban would save thousands of lives a year.

The vote came as the Government announced a massive rise in the maximum fine for failing to stop people smoking in banned areas.

Health minister Caroline Flint said they would go up by more than ten times to £2,500 from £200.

Spot fines of £200 will also be introduced for failing to display no-smoking signs

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 15, 2006

I agree with you 100%.....this is a filthy habit.

It has already taken place in Canada as well. Nice to be able to enjoy a night out and not come home smelling like a dirty ashtray :)
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Feb 15, 2006
Well I always wondered about people who worked in clubs and bars who're non smokers being forced to passive smoke every day, DJs and bands too. Certainly I used to hate it. Look at entertainer and 'Record Breaker' host Roy Castle, he suffered lung cancer and put it down to years of playing the trumpet in smokey bars and clubs, even though he never smoked a ciggie in his life. I'm telling you smokers are responsible for the poor health of many other people, not just their own.

They should be charged higher premuims for health insurance.

I can't wait for the day when everyone is able to breathe smoke free air.

Smoking is nasty!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 15, 2006
kelly1966 wrote:Choc,

I agree with you 100%.....this is a filthy habit.

It has already taken place in Canada as well. Nice to be able to enjoy a night out and not come home smelling like a dirty ashtray :)

You haven't been to Montreal have you :wink:

Montreal = smoking capital of Canada....
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Feb 15, 2006
It all comes down to respect. People should not smoke when others ask them not to. Worst thing I've ever seen is parents smoking in the car with their kids! :shock: Nice.
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Feb 15, 2006
Yes Gab,

They think that by putting their windows down a bit that it help....not!!!

I feel bad for the children as they are the ones who are suffering.
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Feb 15, 2006
There was a really sad story in the UK last year about a 3 year old child, whose parents basically chain smoked around him all the time, he had asthma and breathing difficulties. When he was x-rayed doctors said he had the lungs of a 60 year old. very sad.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 15, 2006
Just goes to show you that some people don't deserve to have children.

What a shame.
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Feb 15, 2006
is this the anti smoking thread or wot lol

:wink: :wink:

i smoke so leave us puffers in peace will ya.

:wink: :wink:
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Feb 15, 2006
Sorry Arnie, But I just don't see anything positive about something which kills you slowly over time, irritates others, makes you smell grim and generally is awful. I just don't see the attraction. Personally I think cigarrets should be trated like a class A drug, and the way countries all over the world are banning smoking, it won't be too long before it is.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 15, 2006
puff till your heart's content........:)

I was a smoker myself and I know how you feel Arnie, but now that I am a reformed smoker I see the picture from both sides.

As I said in my earlier post, smoking is being banned in public places in Canada, which is the best thing they could have ever done. Yayyyyy the Government here finally made a good decision.
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Feb 15, 2006
:cry: :cry: :cry:
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Feb 16, 2006
Boston banned smoking in the same way... it makes the bars a lot nicer to go to and you don't have to throw your clothes away after a night out because they have trapped so much smoke.

Biggest drawback is for little local bars. People stop going, or come for fewer drinks because they have to leave or go outside to smoke. Also a lot more butts get dropped outside the doors to restaurants and bars which can be a bit of a mess. I think, on balance, I would trade a little litter for a smoke free night out though.
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Feb 18, 2006
Now, here's the strange thing I didn't say I don't smoke! :wink: :lol: I absolutely agree it is a filthy, disgusting habit and consideration of others is important-especially children. As an aside, and just so I can step on my soap box, I often think some people need a licence to have kids. I think Choco mentioned not belting children into car seats recently- just as bad. It is an absolute privilege to be able to raise children ( this is whether you adopt or have a child naturally, they both will grow in your heart)- it is a shame that some people see parenthood as a "must do". Now, I'll step down from my soap box. :)
I actually agree smoking should be banned in public places, especially malls here-where's the family fun in going to a smoke filled place?
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Feb 18, 2006
Gab AKA Fag Ash Lil

:lol: :lol:
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Feb 18, 2006
:lol: Please don't make me larf!!
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