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the message board for Dubai English speaking community
zubber wrote:Perhaps the worst of SD's PMS symptoms are over , She will come back to senses soon , The important thing is that we dont call her on her stupidity while she was in her vulnerable state , or we might hurt her feelings , The dumb B1tch.
Chocoholic wrote:Oh for goodness sake - the forum was nice and everyone was contributing and the understanding is/was that if anyone had something to say, they go to FC, NOT start silly threads for personal attacks or act like a troll stalking me around the forum making more attacks.
Please just let the forum go back to normality, I think the majority are totally sick of this kind of thing now. I know I am.
Attempts to bait me and drag me back into arguments are going to fall on deaf ears and it just makes those that do so look silly and reflects more on them than it does me.
This is typical behaviour of SD, nothing new.
Chocoholic wrote:Let's not dig up stuff yeah. It;s a two way street NOT one sided. You can do your own research and go back through past threads and posts, no need to give people an excuse to start things over yeah!
Mahmoud04 wrote:Chocoholic wrote:Let's not dig up stuff yeah. It;s a two way street NOT one sided. You can do your own research and go back through past threads and posts, no need to give people an excuse to start things over yeah!
I am not digging anything Choco, and not really willing to spend time reading the history of anyones posts...
people starts whatever they want, nobody is waiting for excuses, yeah!
Mahmoud04 wrote:what did u do to BM Choco? u r in her mind on so much occasions...
Chocoholic wrote:The let's not go there. As DDS rightly says, 'some' of us have left that all behind and would appreciate it stay there! I'm not interested in digging up old stuff.