I'll be in Dubai in March. And no, those are my conditions now in Homburg (not Hamburg). I already know how bad Etisalat is. I was in Dubai every 2 months (for about 10 days) over the past year, with my last trip ending on Jan 5th and coming back to rainy Germany. I have DSL 6000 here now, just got it upgraded last month. I talked to some people up in Mainz and they don't have the problems with their internet always dropping out like this area does. I lose connection several times a day and sometimes can't reconnect for an hour or more.

I moved last year from Kaiserslautern because I could only get 64K ISDN dialup there! 100,000 people and I can't even get DSL flat rate. Sorry, but I'm ready to leave Deutschland for Dubai. I think it's a pretty good upgrade

I expect very little from Etisalat after what I deal with here (I would like VoIP though). I think DT and T-Online screw everyone here (in this area) because everywhere I look, I see americans and that may have something to do with why things are so messed up. They want the american military's money, so they limit what is available in the area. Not cool. Really not cool.
On another note, I saw you're from Frankfurt. Even been to Waldgeist? I make a trip up there once a month. I eat and drink away my anger there
