Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers?

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Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
On my recent foray into Canada it brought it home to me that women have forgotten how to dress up. It wasn't just Canadian women, I might add.
I quite like to dress up on an evening but when I attempted to, I felt slightly over dressed! We went out one chilly evening and I put on a grey knitted dress, black tights and black shiny Carvella high heels. I looked around me and the women were wearing flip flops or trainers and I appeared to be the only one making an effort :shock:
I don't flounce around during the day dressed up like a dogs dinner and can be as casual as the next when I want to be, but personally I would only wear trainers if I was taking the dog out or going to the gym and never, ever with my boyfriend/partner/husband.

I wonder, is it me?

Can I ask? If you are a lady, do you prefer dresses or trousers? I'm not talking about doing regular stuff, like shopping, but on an evening. Do you make an effort and wear make up or think what the hell, why should I bother?

And if you are a man, do you prefer your woman to make an effort or be really casual?

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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
I prefer dresses. :)
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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
i find skirts and dresses very classy and attracting to me, love very fmenine looking women 8)
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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:And if you are a man, do you prefer your woman to make an effort or be really casual?

When going out I appreciate the effort of course. Although I have to admit I liked it when recently we decided on the spur of the moment to check out a 2 star restaurant in our jogging clothes.

I like a short skirt with high heels as much as a cocktail dress. I like stylish clothing as much as sleazy. :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
Horses for courses BM, a good looking sophisticated woman would carry off either skirts, dresses or trousers but I would tend to agree with you that flip flops and trainers belong on the beach, in the Gym or any 2 star greasy spoon!

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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:I like a short skirt with high heels as much as a cocktail dress. I like stylish clothing as much as sleazy. :D

Oh you do make me laugh FD!

Horses for courses BM, a good looking sophisticated woman would carry off either skirts, dresses or trousers but I would tend to agree with you that flip flops and trainers belong on the beach, in the Gym or any 2 star greasy spoon!

Dillon, one of the places we visited was a very nice hotel for afternoon tea. I have had tea at the Ritz and I would say the hotel was trying to emulate that. There were more sweaty trainers on show than in SW19.
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
I love getting dressed up. I don't own a pair of trainers, or as we call them "sneakers". I do own rubber flipflops that I wear around the house or to the pool, all the others are pretty sandals. I used to wear high heels but since being in Dubai I have been off them. They complimented my long legs!!!! :D

Unfortunately people today don't have the concept of what is classy. I don't know if it's because they don't get out much anymore, or they spend too much time in McDonalds and think that's restaurant standard to them. :roll: There's a term shabby chic, but it's been downgraded to just plain shabby. I don't know if I get dressed so that I can wear my lovely jewelry or wear my lovely jewelry so that I can dress up. :drunken:

I love it when I finish getting all dressed up and walk into the room and Mr BB's eyes light up and he pays me a compliment. :D There are different levels of dressing up, and I always make it a point to look nice depending on the occasion. Getting dressed up always makes me feel good. Even when Mr BB and I go to a restaurant which is usually in a hotel we get dressed up. I have to say that many women in Dubai dress up, more than the men. I've seen ladies dressed really nice and the hubby has on his dirty jeans and wrinkled shirt. What a mismatch!!!!

What kind of compliment can you give/get dressed in shabby clothes and trainers, other than "I love your trainers!!!""
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
Your efforts are greatly appreciated!! :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
zonker wrote:Your efforts are greatly appreciated!! :D

Are you talking to me zonker?? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
Its a cultural thing in Canada. I lived in jeans, t-shirts and trainers. In the summer it was tank tops and shorts and sports sandals. It took moving to Europe to change my dressing habits, and now I am comfortable dressing down or dressing up, but I've completely dropped the trainers and sports sandals! The majority of leisure activities in Canada are casual, including outdoor leisure and even restaurants, so why not be comfortable? In large Canadian cities you will see people dressing up more often.
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
Dressing up/dressing down dictates where you are going. I think when you vary your dress style, you can even feel good wearing a nice tee/pullover/blouse and a nice pair of jeans. Those times I dress down and put on a nice top and a pair of pressed jeans, I still looked dressed up. :D I think variety will make you more aware of what you are wearing, regardless of where you are going, rather than one outfit for all occasions. You can't really feel "good" wearing the same thing day after day.
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
zonker wrote:Your efforts are greatly appreciated!! :D

Are you talking to me zonker?? :lol: :lol:

Bora, sorry for my bad Internet manners! I was addressing the OP! :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 03, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
zonker wrote:Your efforts are greatly appreciated!! :D

Are you talking to me zonker?? :lol: :lol:

We can share Bora, I was never a greedy one :D

kanelli wrote:Its a cultural thing in Canada. I lived in jeans, t-shirts and trainers. In the summer it was tank tops and shorts and sports sandals. It took moving to Europe to change my dressing habits, and now I am comfortable dressing down or dressing up, but I've completely dropped the trainers and sports sandals! The majority of leisure activities in Canada are casual, including outdoor leisure and even restaurants, so why not be comfortable? In large Canadian cities you will see people dressing up more often.

I don't know about cultural K. I found Vancouver and Victoria to be immaculate, unlike the women! The houses were well kept, the parks and gardens, a joy to look at and the women, I can only describe as sloopy!
Jeans and trainers in a 5* restaurant? No way! And a Starbucks paper cup on the table at the Empress Hotel? well that lady should have been shown the bin for her rubbish before entering the restaurant.
By sports sandals do you mean those hideous velcro things? Good God I wouldn't be seen dead in a pair of those. :shock:
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
General, I congratulate you on your excellent choice! Did you hear what the General said BM? :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
Which bit Zonker? That the general likes feminine women or that the white race won't be extinct soon? I like both those comments!


I like the general! :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
Well BM, you may not think it is cultural - even if you see Canadian women dressing that way and a Canadian woman tells you why women dress like that. I'm sure you know better than Canadians do. :)

If you are wearing a Roots t-shirt and jean shorts - the Teva sports sandals match beautifully :)

I totally agree that this is not appropriate attire for 5 star restaurants, High Tea, going to the theatre etc. When I go to the Shaw Festival to see plays, or to High Tea at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara-on-the-Lake I usually wear a nice summer dress with fancy sandals. I've seen some other Canadian and foreign tourists dressed more casually because they are cycling or walking all over the town to see the sights and need to be comfortable.

Dress code for tea at the Empress Hotel - ... oonTea.htm


Dress code is casually elegant. Please no torn and / or ripped jeans, short shorts, cut off pants, beach wear, flip flops or baseball caps.
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
zonker wrote:General, I congratulate you on your excellent choice! Did you hear what the General said BM? :D

what can i say, i love WOMEN who dress for the occasion like real women, or ladies to be more precise, not like a woMAN :lol:

-- Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:55 am --

Bethsmum wrote:Which bit Zonker? That the general likes feminine women or that the white race won't be extinct soon? I like both those comments!


I like the general! :D

well i guess the feeling is mutual :)
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
I was out running errands today in my nice jeans, Fitflops, white and red Battlestar Galactica baby-doll t-shirt, with red lips to match. :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
kanelli wrote:I was out running errands today in my nice jeans, Fitflops, white and red Battlestar Galactica baby-doll t-shirt, with red lips to match. :D

Fitflops are minging! A total waste of money and achieve nothing. A beautician at my local salon tells me she wore them for a whole year and did not notice any improvement in her legs.

I can't say I like the sound of a baby doll t-shirt and red lips! What are you trying to achieve with that look except to attract paedos?

I don't have time to run errands in jeans. I'm at work in smart office attire. No red lips, I prefer the natural look during the day. A bit of a tan, some blusher and mascara and I'm good to go. :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
try going other than to Chilly's or McDnodals :wink:

It's Candanias...who do you expect... :P

They start wearing flip-flops and shorts when the temperature reaches 1 degree!

Prefer dresses - for women!
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
kanelli wrote:I was out running errands today in my nice jeans, Fitflops, white and red Battlestar Galactica baby-doll t-shirt, with red lips to match. :D

Fitflops are minging! A total waste of money and achieve nothing. A beautician at my local salon tells me she wore them for a whole year and did not notice any improvement in her legs.

I can't say I like the sound of a baby doll t-shirt and red lips! What are you trying to achieve with that look except to attract paedos?

I don't have time to run errands in jeans. I'm at work in smart office attire. No red lips, I prefer the natural look during the day. A bit of a tan, some blusher and mascara and I'm good to go. :D

My high heels, dress pants, pencil skirts, blouses, and jackets are used for professional purposes.

I'm probably at least 20 yrs younger than you and can rock baby doll t's, jeans, and red lips. And it is sheer red lippy, not matte goes-with-an-evening gown red lippy. 8) Here is an example... (It sort of looks like my other baby doll t, but mine is black, silver and red and says, "I (heart) Cylons".)

This is an example of a baby doll t-shirt with jeans. Imagine some sheer red lippy. Voila!
canadiensbabydoll.jpg (70.55 KiB) Viewed 2191 times
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
kanelli wrote:My high heels, dress pants, pencil skirts, blouses, and jackets are used for professional purposes.

What profession would that be K? LOL :? I thought you said you were a lady of leisure!

PS Scroll down a bit so we can see your fitflops!
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
kanelli wrote:

Call it what you want, but its still a tee shirt.

I had to look up a fitflop. Geeez, Kanelli, how could you admit to having those things on your feet? Were you trying to make a fashion statement? :lol:


If those are your casual "shoes" are these your comfy professional shoes? Seems to make sense. :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 04, 2011
Ooh, look how long it took for the bullying behaviour to start again. You are VERY classy ladies indeed. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 05, 2011
kanelli wrote:Ooh, look how long it took for the bullying behaviour to start again. You are VERY classy ladies indeed. :lol:

Don't throw your dummy (soother!) out of the pram K. Only wimps cry about being bullied. Man up. :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 05, 2011
Another fine example. Really, does anyone doubt that a foe list is not essential? I ignored you "ladies" for a while, then tested the waters in trying to discuss with you and BB again in two threads and it already has gone to personal insults and ganging up. Since you can't behave, I go back to using the foe list. No more fun for you! Go and find a new target.
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Re: Skirts/Dresses Or Trousers? Jul 05, 2011
kanelli wrote:Ooh, look how long it took for the bullying behaviour to start again. You are VERY classy ladies indeed. :lol:

Geeeezzzz Kanelli, where is your sense of humor?? How do you see it as bullying?? Take a chill pill, sit back and put on your Justin Beiber CD. Didn't you see all my :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: ?
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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 05, 2011
now now girls play nice :D
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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 05, 2011
kanelli can dish it out but she sure can't take it!

-- Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:19 am --

general_A wrote:now now girls play nice :D

You can't play with kanelli, general, you can only play her :D

She's far too serious, she doesn't want to have any fun at all, just have meaningful discussions and when she doesn't like someone she does her ganging up and bullying behind the scenes and conspires to have people banned.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Skirts/Dresses or Trousers? Jul 05, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:kanelli can dish it out but she sure can't take it!

-- Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:19 am --

general_A wrote:now now girls play nice :D

You can't play with kanelli, general, you can only play her :D

She's far too serious, she doesn't want to have any fun at all, just have meaningful discussions and when she doesn't like someone she does her ganging up and bullying behind the scenes and conspires to have people banned.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

being the "wise" man that i am, i know better than to break up a fight between women, specialy when it involves lady's buisness :mrgreen:
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